Housing Prices up 12% this Past Year

ClimbingThe blogging world is abuzz (at least the blogs that pay attention to real estate issues!) with news from the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) that housing prices rose over 12% this past year. Since the report is in acrobat format, I’ll quote more than usual (*.pdf) :

Average U.S. home prices increased 12.50 percent from the first quarter of 2004 through the first quarter of 2005. Appreciation for the most recent quarter was 2.21 percent, or an annualized rate of 8.82 percent. The new data represent the largest four quarter increase since the third quarter of 2004, when appreciation surpassed any increase in over 25 years. The figures were released today by OFHEO Acting Director Stephen A. Blumenthal, as part of the House Price Index (HPI), a quarterly report analyzing housing price appreciation trends.

“The House Price Index shows the rise in house prices continues at an extremely strong pace and raises the potential for declines in some areas later on,