I had a good laugh when I read over WorldLingo’s translation of Rain City Guide in Russian.
“Interview with John Mudd of Inside Real Estate” became “Interview with John Mudd Real Estate Guts.” There were a bunch of other funny issues with the translation, but that was my favorite.
I’m yet to find a good Russian-to-English translator (or even one that is usable). Anyone out there know of one that works?
Here are the one’s I’m aware of:
I know one that works – as a simultaneous translator in Washington. But what you really need is someone out-of-work to do it. Isn’t there a large Russian demographic in Seattle to choose from? It’s cold for sure, I bet they would translate for donuts and Seattle’s Best coffee…

BTW, the first time I saw your picture I thought “no way she is American” – prijatno vstretit’ zemlyachku da eshe i na takom bloge 
I’m pretty sure you can outsourse students from Russia to do translation of all your content. You can try Ukraine or Belorussia – their rates might be much less
What a good idea!! for some reason using students for translation didn’t occur to me…

Thank you for kind words, priyatno vstretitsya, ostavlyaite kommentarii
Pleasure is all mine
So far this is one of the best real estate blogs out there – at least I didn’t find ay better yet
Good job!
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