In organizing the data for gHomes, I’ve inadvertently created a treasure chest full of home sale (and sold) information. For example, with only a few minutes of extra coding I put two tables together. The first list the average list price of homes by zip code, while the second lists the average list price by year built and number of bedrooms for the same set of cities.
The hardest part of putting tables like this together is information overload. There is so much information available that simplifying the data down to digestible amounts can be tough. Is data like this of any interest to you? Is there some other housing characteristic you’d like to see? If there is ANY interest in tables like this, I will happily output them on a regular basis.
Here is some major caveats with the data:
1) The tables use the average list price (not sale price!!!) so don’t expect this data to give you an accurate value for your home. If you want an accurate comparative market analysis done for your home, ask me. I’ve got all the right data and I’ll happily give you one for free! (my free offer even extends to FSBOs!)
2) When you see bad data points (like zipcodes that are incomplete), that is a result of an agent (hopefully not myself) entering in the data wrong in the MLS system.
3) There are a bunch of anomalies where prices jump from one cell to another. Remember that the data is an average, and that sometimes, the average is only over a few (like one or two) data points.