Trulia wouldn't let me say "pain in the butt"

LOL.  This is a short post.

I was answering a question over at Trulia today.  (I get an email when there is a new question from the Seattle Area.)  I answered the question and it wouldn’t post.  It was a very long answer, so I thought maybe it was too long.  No, it said “No Profanity Please”.  I kept reading my answer and it took me awhile to figure out that:

Trulia thinks “pain in the butt” is profanity.  Cracked me up.

P.S.  Oh well, it was really, REALLY snowing.  That’s our excuse and we’re sticking to it.  GO SEAHAWKS! 

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ARDELL is a Managing Broker with Better Properties METRO King County. ARDELL was named one of the Most Influential Real Estate Bloggers in the U.S. by Inman News and has 34+ years experience in Real Estate up and down both Coasts, representing both buyers and sellers of homes in Seattle and on The Eastside. email: cell: 206-910-1000

28 thoughts on “Trulia wouldn't let me say "pain in the butt"

  1. Try the great site Housing Panic. “Pain in the butt” is like a warm up or a ginger beer chaser to the intelligent but hard core addict posters over there. . . You may even learn something useful.

    Leave the Gun, Take the Canolli -Clemenza GF1.

  2. My favorite saying as a child, that I’ve found very useful is “keep your friend’s close and your enemies closer”. I learned it at home, but was that in The Godfather by chance? off topic. Now I have to go watch the trilogy…

  3. Trulia Rocks, BTW.

    When someone wants to talk to me, a consumer, via email. I get this message:

    Of all the members on Trulia, X checked out your profile and wanted to drop you a line.

    Other sites say “so and so wants to work with you” (as if I have no say in the matter and am a “hungry agent” waiting for a crumb. Some act like they are doing me some big favor. But Trulia…ROCKS!!! They know how to talk to agents.

    GO TRULIA! Zillow’s still better for listings, but Trulia’s got it DOWN on the Q & A portion. Stay away bubbleheads. Don’t muck it up.

  4. Funny this came up on my Google alerts. A few of us Trulians had an amusing discussion about this exact topic in the office the other day. We had found a “bad word” list online when we we created Voices, and apparently it includes every word that has ever offended someone. We took a closer a few days ago and realized it’s a bit too much, and you will be pleased to know that you will be able to freely talk about butts after the next Voices update. 🙂

    PS…sorry about the Seahawks. It wasn’t pretty.

    Software Engineer, Trulia

  5. Lawrence,

    Thanks for stopping by. Other than the Q & A portion, I haven’t paid much attention to Trulia. Time to give it a closer look.

    Kary, I prefer butt to the “A” word, so PITB might work 🙂

  6. How about if you said “kick-anus”? People would figure it out and it probably wouldn’t trigger any profanity alarms, worth a shot.

  7. The point was lost anyway. I was giving someone several options of which type of agent they wanted to be when they grew up. Instead of choosing, he said ALL of the ABOVE. LOL. When did everyone get so irrational.

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