HELP! Techie Problem! I'm going NUTS!

I really need this fixed yesterday.  It’s driving me NUTS!

For almost a month our WordPress Blog here has been malfunctioning for me and only me.  Not Rhonda.  Not Dustin.  Just ME!  I am not getting an email when someone posts a comment on one of my posts.  So I have to come here WAY too often to see if someone is “talking to me” and I have to answer quickly and get back to what I am doing.

I have to check the site mega times a day, instead of simply seeing the question in my email.  And if someone leaves me a comment and it rolls off the sidebar while I’m working, I risk ignoring someone who asked me a question, which I don’t like to do.

The result is that I’m commenting like a madwoman by coming here ALL the time, instead of just working and seeing an email come in when I get a comment on one of my posts.

I’m going NUTS!!!!!  I’m busy up to my eyeballs and I just can’t put up with this one more day!

Dustin and I have tried everything we can think of to fix this problem.

So if you have a WordPress blog, and have ANY suggestions as to why the comments are not causing me to get an email (and yet everyone else still is getting theirs) PLEASE, PLEASE HELP!  Any and all suggestions appreciated.  I’m going out of my mind and it’s starting to be noticeable in my writings.  Please help me.  This must get fixed.

Thank you.


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ARDELL is a Managing Broker with Better Properties METRO King County. ARDELL was named one of the Most Influential Real Estate Bloggers in the U.S. by Inman News and has 34+ years experience in Real Estate up and down both Coasts, representing both buyers and sellers of homes in Seattle and on The Eastside. email: cell: 206-910-1000

34 thoughts on “HELP! Techie Problem! I'm going NUTS!

  1. Realizing that you have probably already done what I’m going to throw out there, I will throw it out there anyways. 1) There’s a possibility that your provider is blocking the emails and has nothing to do with wordpress, try using a gmail or similar email to test in wordpress to test this 2) …….although this workaround is for 2.3, users that upgraded to 2.5 have had same issue so AFTER applying this workaround with success in 2.3, so it’s worth a shot…..

  2. Hi Ardell,

    WordPress is pretty quirky. I have had my fair share of user interface problems.

    Try this:
    Log into wordpress
    Click on: My Account (top left)
    Click on : Edit Profile (in drop-down menu)
    Click on: Settings (located top right under “Howdy Ardell”)
    Click on: Discussion (second row of tabs)
    Look for: “Email me whenever:”
    Check: “anyone post a comment”

    I am not sure how the architecture is set up for multiple users, but this works for me. Good luck and I hope the best for you!

  3. Hi Ardell!

    WordPress drives me crazy. It arguably has the worst user interface ever designed. I think I have the solution.

    Here goes:
    Login into wordpress
    Click on: My Account “Located Top Left

  4. I hope Harley’s suggestion works. I’ve had a similar problem with a program before and it really sucks when something does not work as it should. Good luck with WordPress!

  5. I don’t know about WordPress, but I had a similar troublesome problem, and the thinking I used for that might help you solve your own problem.

    My problem was that I couldn’t upload a file from Dreamweaver to update my home page. I could upload all other pages, but not the home page. The problem turned out to be that the home page file on the server was corrupted. I had to delete it directly on the server (and go temporarily without a main page to my web site), and when I went back to Dreamweaver, I was able to upload the file with no problem.

    If there is anything that can be deleted and re-established, try it. It sounds like something relevant to your account is corrupted. I don’t know how WordPress works, but perhaps you need to establish a new user name. I am assuming, of course, that your email is working fine and you are receiving other emails. Best of luck.

  6. Have you changed anything recently when the problem started? Software updates?

    I would check email issues first – such as spam filters and new software loaded by your or your provider(s). I assume it’s not showing up in your junk folder?

    Who are you using as your email provider (hotmail, comcast, etc)?
    What email client are you using (Outlook) ?

    What about testing wih another WordPress blog? You could set up a quick new WordPress blog and use a throw away email to test it out.

  7. I tried everything. I followed Matt’s suggestion and I DO get comments from my other WordPress blog, just not RCG.

    There is no “discussion”, Harley, in my view. I’m forwarding your suggestion to Dustin to see if he has access to the menu columns you describe.

    No luck yet, but it’s not likely my email server if I’m getting emails via comments on my Other WordPress blog, right?

    Thanks everyone for your help…still no luck though.

  8. Hi Ardell,

    I think there is something deeper than an email issue going on with your blog. You will notice that there are two comments posted by me. The second comment was actually the first comment and did not populate the comment section when I originally hit “Say it”.

    The third comment was another attempt by me to post the comment. For several hours the third comment showed as the second on your blog. Then last night, out of the blue, my original comment reappeared.

    This seems indicative to a wordpress server-side issue and nothing to do with you. I looked into their forum and there are many people having the same problems.

    One person indicated that it may be your internet service provider blocking the emails. Comcast is infamous for this. Assuming that you have hundreds of emails a week from wordpress due to being a “Power-Blogger” this may appear as a “spam” from Comcast’s perspective. Their algorithms will begin filtering wordpress emails thinking that it is a spam server and not a legitimate email server. You may need to call Comcast or whomever your internet service provider is and request “manual intervention” in removing wordpress mail server from their blocked server list.

    Here is a copy of their comments:

    indiscretion Member April 10th, 2008 at 12:32 pm

    Sorry… I meant, this happened back on March 21 AS WELL. It’s happening again, now.
    mommytomorgan Member April 27th, 2008 at 1:23 am

    Same thing is happening to me. It’s happened multiple times. The first few times, my ISP was blocking them. WordPress requested the block be lifted and everything was fine. This last time (this past week), nothing was done about it. Every now and then, a few stray comment e-mails will filter in, but out of 27 comments on a post Thursday night, I received maybe 8 or 9 of them in my e-mail. I’ve tried changing the e-mail address in my profile section to a different one, but it’s not letting me. I’ve been searching on here for any solution, but am coming up empty handed. I’m beyond frustrated!
    katm Member April 27th, 2008 at 1:28 am

    I think you will need to contact support when they open on Monday.
    mommytomorgan Member April 27th, 2008 at 1:33 am

    I’ve been in contact with them several times. I think they’re frustrated that I keep bothering them 🙂

    Thanks for the reply!
    mermaids Member April 27th, 2008 at 11:43 am

    i’ve been having the same problem for months. very frustrating. i will try to contact support on monday.
    katm Member April 27th, 2008 at 12:58 pm

    You guys can also go to the IRC channel. You’ll need an IRC client (xchat is good as is chatzilla for Firefox). Join on
    evandad Member May 1st, 2008 at 3:53 am

    Same thing happening to me. Not getting e-mail notification or comments or pingbacks on any of my three WP blogs since about April 15.

    I’ve not had this problem before, and I’ve been on WordPress for 14 months.
    claudecf Member May 1st, 2008 at 6:11 am

    It’s happened on and off lately on both my blogs

  9. Mr. Sleepy Brain 🙂

    I corrected the first couple of paragraphs for you.

    As to the comment issue, most recently and after my email stopped, Dustin upgraded the WordPress something or other. One of the results is that a first time visitor goes into moderation only on the first comment. We’re testing that out because of the video commenting ability.

    I would expect if someone is a regular poster, but posts from a different IP address, it would view them as a one time poster.

    As to comments changing numbers or appearing later, often that is because someone was inmoderation or trapped and released from the spam filter. When we release them, they “drop in” at the timeframe the wrote the comment, and not at the end of the string, and that will push other people’s comments into a different comment number.

  10. I’m reluctant to try a different user name to “fix” this. I have over two years of posts as this user name, and I’m afraid of the result. Also, what name would I use? I’ve always wanted to own the domain “little miss know it” 🙂

  11. Hi Ardell or LMKIA for short,

    I COMPLETELY agree with not changing your username. It literally has become your “brand name” now. Having to re-brand would be devastating for your business and your online presence regardless of how compelling “Little Miss Know It” is. Are you then supposed to change your name again when “” is all blogged out?!?!

    You may be a victim of your own success. As a statistical outlier with regard to your blogging volume, I would not be surprised if you raised some poor unsuspecting algorithm’s flag with comment-induced emails. It would seem possible that you out-blogged the tolerances of the formula governing email volume. Let me be clear, the answer is not to blog less! This would be a software designer resolution issue. Perhaps they could call it the “Ardell Affect”.. The good news is you would be famous among real estate professionals as well as software designers! 🙂

    I would look into the internet service provider issue. It is a reasonable explanation for why you solely are being filtered and not the others. Nevertheless it is frustrating, and I feel for you, especially considering the value it provides to your business and your work flow.

    I wish you the best!


  12. You might try deleting your RCG wordpress cookie — the little file that WP stores on your computer so you don’t have to login, etc. After doing this, close out the browser, then reopen and come back. The cookie should be reset — you’ll have to login again — but that might do it.

    If your cookie is corrupted, odd things can happen. If it wasn’t the issue, this shouldn’t cause any harm. But your mileage may vary, etc.

    Also try the wordpress user forums to see if others are having the same issue.

  13. Thanks patrick!

    Not sure what you’re talking about, but it sounds good and worth a try. I’m having lunch with Galen tomorrow. Maybe I’ll bring my laptop so he can play with my cookies. 🙂

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