If you see this magazine…

UPDATE:  Found her.  She’s the one on the left, of course.  Looks like Mommy…except for the tattoos.  She is my youngest of 3 daughters and a tattoo artist in Venice Beach, CA


Way off topic, but my daughter is in this magazine and we can’t find it here on the Eastside.  If anyone sees it or knows where we can get it, can you shoot me an email please?  The cover should say “Ink n Iron Convention” and she’s in that section.  Thanks!  I know…WAY off topic 🙂

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ARDELL is a Managing Broker with Better Properties METRO King County. ARDELL was named one of the Most Influential Real Estate Bloggers in the U.S. by Inman News and has 34+ years experience in Real Estate up and down both Coasts, representing both buyers and sellers of homes in Seattle and on The Eastside. email: ardelld@gmail.com cell: 206-910-1000

22 thoughts on “If you see this magazine…

  1. I’m thinking that there’s a really large selection of magazines down at Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park. You could try giving them a call first instead of making the trip.

    The other one that comes to mind is the huge Barnes and Noble in University Village.

  2. Yes Courtney, it does look like that except…according to the text messages on my iPhone:

    “I’m in a magazine…if you go to the store make sure it has a story of Ink n Iron tatoo convention…had a girl with pink hair on the cover and the fron top right corner should say something like “Ink n Iron convention”

    Apparently all of the magazines that look like this don’t have the CA convention featured. Per my other daughter “Mike subscribes to it but his copy doesn’t have the Ink n Iron convention.”

    So the cover should be the same except in the top right corner it should say “Ink n Iron convention” and the one I can order online or that is mailed to subscribers vs. sold locally, doesn’t have that.

  3. I just got back from the Rose Hill Safeway hot tip on the way back from showing houses on Education Hill. I think the problem is that she has advance notice on the November issue, and the one on the shelves is still the October issue.

  4. Heeeres…ANDREA! I replaced the mag photo in the post with the one of my daughter from inside the magazine.

    Thanks James. I haven’t found the magazine and the one I posted isn’t “the one”. The cover of the “the right one” is hideous, so I’m not posting it 🙂 I’ll check out Bulldog Press. Instead I posted Andrea. The correct magazine has TATOO small on the cover and INK n IRON plastered in big black and white letters in the middle. And, of course, it will have that picture of Andrea in it.

  5. She’s beautiful, Ardell–nice ink, too.

    C’mon, you can tell us…you don’t have even one little tattoo? I can’t believe a proud mom like you wouldn’t let your daughter put even a dolphin on your ankle or something….


  6. Angie,

    I haven’t been in the same room as the machine yet. Eveyrone else has them, even my older sister had to get “an Andrea” so she got a small rose on her hand. But she said it hurt like hell.

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