Happy New Year!

We have a few hours to go before we ring in the New Year of 2009.  But I wanted to take a few moments to thank all of our readers, my fellow writers, and the many people who comment here, for making Rain City Guide the special place that it is.

Tomorrow will mark my third anniversary of blogging.  Honestly, I can hardly imagine my world without it.  It’s been a rewarding experience and, I value my “blogfriends” and my “blogclients” more than…well, more than lots of things.

Tonight at midnight, I’ll take a cup of kindess, probably hot chocolate, and think of all the special people in my life.  Not the least of which being, Dustin and Anna Luther, Jillayne Schlicke, Rhonda Porter, Tim and Lynlee Kane,  Robbie, Steph and Harrison Paplin, Galen Ward, Deborah Burns…these wonderful people are part of my extended family.

And as the Coke/Walmart young man said: “When you stock up on Joy, there’s enough to go round”.

Thank you everyone, for being part of the Joy of my Life.  Many Happy Returns…

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ARDELL is a Managing Broker with Better Properties METRO King County. ARDELL was named one of the Most Influential Real Estate Bloggers in the U.S. by Inman News and has 34+ years experience in Real Estate up and down both Coasts, representing both buyers and sellers of homes in Seattle and on The Eastside. email: ardelld@gmail.com cell: 206-910-1000

28 thoughts on “Happy New Year!

  1. Ardell,
    You my dear are a very special woman! I am glad I have known you vitually since 2006. Can you beleive that? Maybe someday I will meet you outside this computer of mine. I hope so! Happy New Years. I just know 2009 is going to be an Awesome year!

  2. Happy New Year, Chris! Yes, no doubt we will get to Vegas again. Thanks for your kind words and for stopping by. Happy 2009!

  3. Ardell,
    It’s too bad we don’t receive continuing ed credits from all of the stuff on RCG. Thanks so much for all your efforts, you have been an incredible wealth of information and experience.
    Hopefullly you’ll let me buy you lunch sometime this year, I have a long list of follw-up questions.
    Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It’s snowing once again up in Wahtcom County Wooooooo Hooooooo!

  4. The CE credit comment is interesting. I wonder how many agents simply never knew there was an issue with policies issued by LandAmerican entities (or never have heard of LandAmerica)? I wonder how many agents don’t realize what a point paid buys a lender right now? I wonder how many agents still don’t have a clue about the distressed property law?

    The problem with CEs is the same as the problem with CLEs for attorneys. Good agents and good attorneys learn more just doing what they do than by being forced to attend certain classes. That’s probably more true of attorneys than agents, but the point is I don’t think forcing people to learn is that effective. You need people who want to learn.

    Oh, and Happy New Year!

  5. Happy New Year, Bob! What a wonderful comment to wake up to on this first day of the New Year. I will definitely let you buy me lunch sometime this year, and I look forward to it! But you can email me questions at any time…or just ask them in the comments.

    You can use an anonymous name, like SpongeBob 🙂

    Happy first day of 2009!

  6. Kary,

    I’ve had a few Blog Classes here and there. Just a few in the last 3 years. Free. If I remember correctly, Bob came all the way from Whatcom County to attend one of those.

    “The problem with…” Don’t be a Boo Boo Bear, today! It’s a Holiday! I wish you all the best, Kary. Thank you for all of the time you have contributed to RCG this year. I was thinking to myself, where would I be without Kary and all his comments this year…mostly in a room, talking to myself LOL!

    You have done more than any other person, to help keep the conversation flowing around here, and I thank you for that today.

  7. It’s been no bed of roses…no pleasure cruise…My favorite quote of the end of 2008 was Marc Davison on 1000 Watt Blog

    “It’s been a long flight…and the peanuts didn’t help much” 🙂

  8. Hi Ardell,

    What a great picture. Did you watch the fireworks last night? I must admit I was watching CNN with Anderson Cooper and a female side-anchor. I didn’t know at first that she was a comedian and couldn’t figure out what was going on. Too serious…2008 was too serious for me. I’d like to have some fun in 2009!

  9. Hi Jillayne! Give me a buzz when you have 15 minutes to chat…or if in area…I made lots of biscotti. Need to toss a couple of issues around with you.

  10. Hey Ardell. I just found you blog and wow!!! It’s great. I’m a faily new agent and while looking through your past blogs found myself saying, “Boy, she and I think alike”. Keep up the good work. Really a great blog. Todd Covington

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