I love this comment posted by David Losh over on Seattle Bubble. I decided to give it it’s own post before it faded away into oblivion.
“If you do come to the internet for information about a home purchase or sale you are in the wrong place. This site (Seattle Bubble) has excellent financial crisis dialog, but is very short on Real Estate information. It does provide much more information than a Ruin Sity Gaide, but still this is just entertainment. The internet Real Estate sales business model is a very long way off if it will ever be viable. radfun hired the expodia.com sales person to push the Real Estate sales agenda on line. Sellers with problems flock to the online Real Estate sites along with the week end warrior home shoppers. It’s a mish mash of confusion that radfun happily collects fees for. In time it will be obvious this was just a continuation of a problem rather than a solution. Be very careful of what you think you will learn about Real Estate online. These are sales people looking to collect your money for doing nothing, that’s the business model.”
Ah, David, David, David….
Once in a while I actually understand his comments. Is it me, or something else?
LOL, maybe you can give us your interpretation, Scotsman. Like we’re in a poetry class
What I’ve always found really funny about his mangling of other site names, is that anyone looking for information on, say “redfin”, won’t see his comments… He’s ensuring that his opinion about them being .. well.. whatever it is he thinks they are, won’t show up in searches..
I don’t understand David entirely either, but I can’t think of anyone at Redfin who worked at Expedia. Zillow has been successful hiring out of Expedia, not us… and of course it goes without saying that the whole point of Redfin is to avoid a do-nothing sales model, if ever one existed.
Thanks Ardell, that’s pretty funny. About time someone took on those dang evil internet tubes and the jerks trying a make a living on ’em.
I have to give him credit for changing to radfun when I complained about rodfun.
I remember the huge whisper down the lane for agents to call you Z when you first came out of the closet
Just cracks me up when they won’t say Redfin or Zillow…now it’s don’t say Rain City Guide. Gotta love it.
Am I the only one that thinks starting a post making fun of David Losh is in questionable if not poor taste? Ardell once asked me why I said the P-I’s SREP site was more of a professional site and this a consumer site. This thread has moved into first place among the reasons I think that.
> Am I the only one that thinks starting a post making fun of David Losh is
>in questionable if not poor taste?
Probably, But it’s hard not to.. Sorry Dave. sometimes what he’s saying is crystal clear.. other times.. not so much. He’s been talked to about it in comments multiple times.. I’m glad he’s around, when he’s clear he can add a lot to the discussions.
>Ardell once asked me why I said the P-I’s SREP site was more of a
>professional site and this a consumer site. This thread has moved into
>first place among the reasons I think that.
That’s a pretty hard sell in my mind when you go back and review the SREP site.. The one that comes to mind first is Mack’s Bubble Blogger Mock Rap, funny perhaps.. but certainly not the most professional. ( here: http://blog.seattlepi.nwsource.com/realestate/archives/123556.asp) or the tribute to Elvis ( http://blog.seattlepi.nwsource.com/realestate/archives/159043.asp )
The comment includes this blog, and so I thought it was relevant to this blog. Clearly not “newsworthy” generally, but of interest to me and this site specifically. I don’t see the post as making fun of anyone…it’s a quote, with almost no commentary.
I think the fact that agents (generally) sometimes refuse to spell Redfin or Zillow correctly, is worth noting. Also, “Ruin Sity” – worth noting that some still think that blogs and reporters have caused the problems in the housing market.
I didn’t see it as making fun of someone at all. But Kary is certainly entitled to his opinion on that. If it makes David look bad, then it is because of what he said, not because of how I introduced the quote…no?
It would seem to me that refusing to spell these names correctly says more about the person doing it, than the entities they refuse to spell correctly. If David reads this and sees something wrong, maybe he will change and stop refusing to spell the word Redfin…one can hope. We try to influence good changes wherever and whenever possible. Yes, that is part of what we do.
It IS “professional” to discourage agents from refusing to spell Redfin correctly, and to stop badmouthing Redfin as well. It is an embarassment to the industry as a whole, when agents do this. So yes, I think it is VERY “professional” to highlight this kind of bad behavior.
If it stops a few agents from repeating the bad behavior…it is worth it.
When a “professional” makes fun of somebody it is by definition professional behavior because it is coming from a “professional”.
I agree with Joel. For those who may not know, David Losh is also a local real estate agent, so any discussions between David and I would be a “professional exchange”.
I have been consistent. Anytime someone has commented here on RCG refusing to spell Redfin, and there have been others who use Re_fin, as example, I have always noted my objection. I don’t think that is “making fun” of them.
I am also consistent in person by refusing to enter into any negative conversations regarding Redfin, and correcting agents in person who do that in my presence.
Actually, the part of the comment that stuck in my mind was Ruin Sity Gaide…sounded kind of Gaelic
It also reminded me of the complaints Dustin gets, asking if we could please be more positive. Dustin noted that on 4Realz.net
Ardell, is there some reason you couldn’t have made the point you wanted to make on the site that he made those statements? Absent that, I’ll stick with my original opinion.
I wasnt thinking along the lines you are at all. I was actually thinking about whether or not I have an obligation to be more positive vs. being perceived as contributing to the “Ruin of Seattle”.
My thoughts are about the issues, not the person at all. Your suggesting I am “making fun of someone” is against our policy here at RCG. I still fail to see what I said that “made fun of him”.
If he is “funny” it is because of what he said, not what I said.
The reason I can’t seem to shake the “Ruin Sity Gaide” out of my head, (that is the title of this post, Kary) is because it causes me to reflect on my own blog writings. It didn’t have a whole to do with “David” at all. It pretty much didn’t have ANYTHING to do with David at all. It wouldn’t have mattered who said Ruin Sity Gaide.
I think you read something into it that isn’t there. You clearly read something into it that wasn’t in my head when I wrote it.
And yes, Kary, I did comment on that site regarding the mis-spelling of Redfin. Of course I did, at the time that I first saw it. Of course I do, always, everytime I see it. In fact I noted that David was kind enough to change from rodfun” to “radfun” at my request, as I felt it had a negative and sexual connotation.
Think of it this way. If someone called you “Krappy Krisper” in a blog comment somewhere, you might be inclined to write a post about that. And it would clearly not appear odd if you did. And you wouldn’t necessarily be making fun of the person who said it simply by repeating what was said.
With response to your query about whether or not this post is in bad taste–I guess you’d have to start by judging the comment from which this post was born.
Krappy Krisper….now WHERE did that come from?
I love Rice Krispy treats and mini-Diet Cokes. No sbux for me.
Rice Krispy treats are too sweet for me…I like chocolate covered nuts and diet gingerale. Just saying…for the next party.
I’ve heard of this Losh person here in Miami. Does he build web sites, too?
I must say that leaving a comment like that is kind of juvenile–and you KNOW I know what juvenile is.
I looooooooove diet ginger ale, too!
Kevin wrote: “With response to your query about whether or not this post is in bad taste–I guess you’d have to start by judging the comment from which this post was born.”
I’d agree the original material wasn’t of too high of standard either–to put it mildly.
Everett-Tom wrote: “That’s a pretty hard sell in my mind when you go back and review the SREP site.. The one that comes to mind first is Mack’s Bubble Blogger Mock Rap, funny perhaps.. but certainly not the most professional. ( here: http://blog.seattlepi.nwsource.com/realestate/archives/123556.asp) or the tribute to Elvis ( http://blog.seattlepi.nwsource.com/realestate/archives/159043.asp )”
I’ve tried my attempts at humor too–with a piece about Renton and John Kiester: http://blog.seattlepi.nwsource.com/realestate/archives/128896.asp
But of our last 8 topics (after the Elvis piece you mention), 2 pertained to P-I financial related issues (which I’d consider fluff); Case-Shiller numbers; Agents giving feedback; King County requiring inspections on septic tanks; Proposed legislation amending the distressed property law; Excise Tax on short sales (which was covered here); and Problems with overpriced listings (which is also mentioned here quite a bit).
Do you know what “hi-jacking a post” means?
Hey !
I hadn’t planned on responding to this post, but since you’ve dragged me into it, I must point out that Elvis owned many homes, lived in many homes, slept in many homes and even gave away a few homes. As I wrote in that cited post, when I write about Elvis on my real estate sites, it always has something to do with Elvis and real estate, of which there is no shortage of news and commentary, even 32 years after his death.
I have to admit Marlow, that I’ve been thinking about quitting blogging altogether. Kary’s just driving me absolutely nuts. I want to pound one of our heads against the wall. If that’s been his objective in constantly hounding me…well, he’s about won the battle and the war. I can’t take much more of it.
Ardell – whatever you’re drinking on the 13th, I’m buying!
You’d quit and then someone would do something knuckle-headed and you’d have to send out angry emails or do what Kary did and “hi-jack” someone elses blog, just to get it off your chest.
RCG is the perfect place for the lazy blogger, because you’ve got a whole roster of other writers to pick up the slack. Apparently, it doesn’t matter how much or little you write here, Dustin will still keep you on the sidebar.
Any room for me? Tee-hee!
David G
Buy one for ARDELL for me (I’ll pay you back on Tuesday) she needs it after dealing with this nonsense all day.
Get your own blog. Dropping links in the comments of another’s blog would be considered hi-jacking—or attempted hi-jacking.
Are you really considering quitting blogging?
I can tell you that when I do finally get around to kicking people off the sidepanel, they always act so surprised in private emails to me. I’m not one to give a bunch of warnings…
My thought is that if someone knows what they’re doing, then they’re going to be generating leads using RCG at which point, it becomes an addictive cycle. If someone doesn’t know how to write content that generates leads, then they’ll quickly find blogging pointless and I have no desire to hound them for content.
You obviously know what you’re doing, Marlow, and as I’ve told you many times before, the door is ALWAYS open for you at Rain City Guide.
I love you guys!
And I wouldn’t dare speak for the others on any topic, but I can tell you that I love you right back!
“Get your own blog. Dropping links in the comments of another’s blog would be considered hi-jacking—or attempted hi-jacking.”
Yes, I’m aware that for some people the number of people responding to their blog pieces is an ego trip or something. I don’t tend to think that way, but instead only post a link when it’s relevant.
The link I dropped was ancient, and just picking up on the attempt at humorous content mentioned by the poster I was responding to. Unlike this site, it won’t pop back to the top if someone responds to it, (nor will I be notified if that happens) so no one will ever really see it again.
Oh, and one of the articles I mentioned (excise tax on short sales) I mentioned (but neglected to link) the content here because it was started first here. At that point though, the issue was over. In the LandAmerica 1031 piece I did, I linked to here because the news broke here, and I’d also post new news links both here and there, again because it was important to keep as many people up to date as possible.
I was checking this blog now and then to “try” and get some insight from people who should be in the know, as I am looking for an agent. I have read a few informational posts, but after reading extensively here for a week or so, there is alot of chest pounding, and petty bickering ad nauseum, all of it masquerading as insight. At least I know who I wont use.
I just re-read my post, and I know it sounds a fairly harsh, maybe you are all fantastic agents, but I was just writing what I felt… sorry.
Yikes! I was away from the PC for the rest of the day and missed all the fun!
All I was trying to point out, is that neither SREP or Rain City Guide have a 100% focuse on professional real estate discussions (Joel’s definition excluded). You commented you though this site was more consumer then professional, and I still have trouble believing that based on the article. Though you can find a good selection of “silly” or “serious” on either blog.
(BTW: I hear what your saying Marlow, I’m still having trouble buying the Elvis thing
Dear Downtown Buyer,
If by “downtown” you mean Downtown Seattle and Condo, you might want to try:
Ben Kakimoto of Seattle Condo Blog:
I also like Wendy Leung. She’s away until the end of the month, but it’s almost the end of the month, so stay tuned…
I’ve always liked Matt Goyer’s Urbnlivn condo blog. He’s not an agent, but he does work at Redfin as a tech guy. He started the blog before he worked in the real estate industry. He was looking for a condo for himself, and blogged to give others the benefit of his research.
If you are buying a condo vs. a single family home, note from Rhonda’s posts that a new development may be that it will now cost you an extra .75% in up front costs as to the loan.
I’ve done a couple of posts on what transpires during escrow.
Here’s the long color coded version:
Here’s the shorter “3 phases” version:
I don’t do “downtown Seattle” generally, but do know of a remodeled view condo in the Newmark coming soon. It’s a one bedroom, and will be coming on market at about $550,000. It’s what is called “a pocket listing”. I will not be the listing agent, but the listing agent is a friend as mine, as are the clients. The view should not be obstructed as the sound view looks over Pike Place Market, which is height restricted.
Going to blogs hoping to “find” what you are looking for is Web 1.0. In Web 2.0…you ask and someone answers. Hopefully this is helpful. If not…ask and maybe you shall receive.
“You commented you thought this site was more consumer then professional, and I still have trouble believing that based on the article.”
Let’s say there are two “camps”.
One camp defends a long standing model, and might be considered “more professional”.
Another camp is looking for (or at least tolerant of) a trickle down benefit to consumers of cost saving technological advances and rising prices. i.e 1 % of $300,000 should not in two years equal 1% of $500,000. The cost should not expand by the mere fact that price has increased. Let’s call that camp “more consumer oriented”.
Both will have some posts of interest to the industry and of interest to a consumer. One may have primarily agents talking to each other, the other may have more consumers talking to whomever may listen
On any given day, the “soup du jour” may change. That’s what makes it a blog and not a website.
It is frustrating when a few readers complain when the post of the day is not to their liking. The non-vocal readers may want to see a post on paint colors, or staging, or Happy New Year and fireworks and Chinese Astrolgoy. ..or ELVIS!
Why can’t we be as diverse as the individuals that we are? Blog – Weblog – logging OUR thoughts…the WRITER’s thoughts…we are a BLOG! We don’t have one track minds.
Everett-Tom wrote: “All I was trying to point out, is that neither SREP or Rain City Guide have a 100% focuse on professional real estate discussions (Joel’s definition excluded). You commented you though this site was more consumer then professional, and I still have trouble believing that based on the article. Though you can find a good selection of “silly
“Who cares how David spells things?:
Kary…if you answer the question of WHY he does that…then you will be getting close to the reason why you MUST care.
We are an industry that is supposed to “police itself”. If you see or hear anything at all that smacks of putting down Redfin in any way, shape or form, you should do something about it. This is what I did. I think it is “the least I can do” to help protect alternative business models.
Do you think the CEO of Redfin would come and comment on it if it meant absolutely nothing? Glenn has much better things to do with his time.
When someone takes someone else into a closet to beat on him…the least you can do is open the door, so everyone can see it and maybe help.
What he had to say about Redfin is far more important than his intentional misspelling of the name. You gave the mis-spelling as a reason for the post. I don’t see that at all.
As to the merits of what he had to say about Redfin, again I just don’t see it warranting a post here, especially one without comment.
Narrowing this specifically as to what he said about Redfin, he said: (1) There are problems with the on-line business model. (2) There was some connection between Redfin and Expedia. (3) Problem sellers and “week-end buyers” (whoever they are) are attracted to Redfin. (4) Redfin is happy to service those people for a fee.
What am I missing? Why does that deserve a copy and paste on a whole different forum?
“What am I missing?”…LOL…Thanks, Kary. It is as I suspected. Appreciate the confirmation.
Thank you Dustin for being clear about the lead generation of blogging. It took Ray Pepper of 500 Realty to show me what blogging was actually about.
Now that I know and you have been more forth coming I like your site more. I do think there is a lot of very bad and dangerous opinions about Real Estate matters on your site.
I misspell rapfen because they monitor the internet. If I spell redfom correctly I get e-mails. No the Kellergun guy has nothing better to do than respond to blog comments, that’s his job, or now it’s Matts job.
Yes I did tone down the missplelling of the Rain City Guide from my original commentary spelling, but the Ruin part I left.
I was brought to blogging by a real estate agent who does generate leads by having web sites. My cleaning business has generated hundreds of internet leads, so I am grateful.
Anyway, thank you Dustin for, in my opinion, pioneering this new media for all of us.