Coming Soon: Pacific Northwest Housing Summit and Seattle RE Barcamp

I’m very excited about two events that will be taking place next month at the Seattle Center on March 18 and 19, 2010 for the real estate community.   Full disclosure:  I’m actually involved on the planning committees for both.  🙂

The Pacific Northwest Housing Summit is on Thursday, March 18th and consists of panelist from across the country reprensenting all aspects of the real estate industry and various levels of government.

At this time, the featured panelist include (in no particular order):

  • Lieutenant Governor Brad Owen
  • David Horn with the Federal Trade Commission
  • Ohan Antebian with Realtors Property Resource (RPR)
  • Bret Bertolin with the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council
  • Spencer Rascoff, COO of Zillow
  • Stan Sidor Chairman of the Appraisal Coalition of Washington
  • Brenda Rawlins, President of the Washington Land Title Association
  • Frank Garay and Brian Stevens from Think Big Work Small
  • Marc Savitt of the National Association of Independent Housing Professionals
  • Ken Reid of Genworth Mortgage Insurance

We are still adding panelist to the event–I’m pretty amazed at how its all coming together!   It will be interesting to hear from these folks what they see for the near future of our housing market.   The Pacific NW Housing Summit has been approved for clock hours (some pending approval).    If you pre-register, you can save ten bucks (that’s 2 or three lattes!) vs. signing up at the door on the day of the event.    Registration includes a gourmet boxed lunch from Gretchens on Thursday.

This event is brought to you by Washington Realtors and the Washington Association of Mortgage Professionals.

barcamp-logosmallRE Barcampis no stranger to Seattle.   This will be the third Seattle REBC (not counting Bellevue’s mini-REBC last year) and what I appreciate about RE Barcamps is that each one is unique and has their own personality.  I think this happens because the volunteers vary and even more so because the event is planned based on the attendees.    I’m betting that since this RE Barcamp is taking place the day after the Pacific NW Housing Summit, that we’re going to see more sessions on issues far beyond social media.   This won’t be your “typical” REBC…at least that’s not what I’m expecting.   No lunch is included on Friday–but with all the great restaurants located near by, you won’t have to travel far.   Even though REBC Seattle is free–your rsvp is greatly appreciated.

The venue for both days is going to be great.   It’s located at the Northwest Rooms at the Seattle Center with tons of parking.   The rooms are designed for conferences and will easily handle both days formats…and there will be free wi-fi!    

I look forward to seeing everyone next month!

This entry was posted in Industry, Industry Talk, Tech by Rhonda Porter. Bookmark the permalink.

About Rhonda Porter

Rhonda Porter is an NMLS Licensed Mortgage Originator MLO121324 for homes located in Washington state. Her blog, The Mortgage Porter, is nationally recognized for sharing relevant information to consumers about mortgages. She has been originating mortgages since 2000 at Mortgage Master Service Corporation #40445 Consumer NMLS Website: NMLS ID 40445. Equal Housing Opportunity. You can follow Rhonda on @mortgageporter, Facebook and/or Google+

6 thoughts on “Coming Soon: Pacific Northwest Housing Summit and Seattle RE Barcamp

  1. I have registered.
    Let’s get more women speakers next time around.
    Brenda is a fantastic representative from the title industry. I know she’ll do great. There are many, many more awesome women out there, too.

  2. Patti Maddux, President of the Escrow Assoc of WA will be there too… I was really hoping that Laura Gipe from HUD would be able to join us (still hoping)… she’s from the RESPA compliance department and I believe, pretty involved with creating the GFE. She’s been speaking at different venues across the country but apparently facing some budget issues now.

    Who else would you recommend on a national level, Jillayne? (I totally agree with you by the way).

  3. The speakers do not have to be national if this is a PNW event.

    Several of the above names are local.

    There are plenty of local women that head mortgage companies here in the NW. Laura Kiel comes to mind, one of the founders at Eagle Mortgage is a woman. Deb Bortner would have been a great addition. Nationwide, we have two female senators and women in congress.

    I’d like to meet Mary Miller, director of Zillow Mortgage Marketplace.

    There are a couple of women CEOs in charge of local banks or bank holding companies.

    There’s a local Seattle area attorney who specializes in helping homeowners avoid foreclosure. She would be awesome. Quoted often in the media. Let me find her name. Melissa Huelsman.

    I can think of many women who own or hold executive positions at real estate companies.

    Nationwide, Yves Smith from who writes on economics would be great. I’ve heard her speak at Inman Connect.

    There you go! some ideas for next time.


  4. Marilyn Porter is President of a Mortgage Company too, Jillayne 🙂

    Thanks for the names–I’ll forward them to Marty Lough who is “in charge” of this event…I’m mainly the social media coordinator. We’re having a planning conference call today at 3.

    When the next event is planned–wanna help?

  5. Of course! How could I forget Marilyn. I need to re-program the picture in my brain of Mortgage Masters because the image that pops up is Bob and John Porter. Also, I’d recommend Jody Schimke, who runs King County’s CTI, the only title company that I know of that’s put a woman in charge in King County. And Debbie Steck, Pres at Golf. I’ve hired both of these women to present at events and they’re great.

    I’m a tough person to put on a committee at this point in my life because my schedule is difficult to work with. For the record, I have already put hundreds if not thousands of hours of pro bono time in with industry non-profits over the past 2 decades. U can use me to bounce ideas off of, though! Call anytime.

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