Inspiration is everywhere if you decide to let it touch you.

There is nothing better than an underdog. Meet Paul, a phone salesman from Wales. This will blow you away. (need sound for You Tube)

The gentleman below inspires me everyday I drive to work. He is disabled and uses a broom to help support him and keep himself from falling while on his way to Walgreens. The beauty of it is that he sweeps EVERY inch of sidewalk or street in his path. It probably takes him about 2 hours to walk the four blocks round trip and he is smiling every inch. Look close at the photo on left and you’ll see the up-swing of his broom.

When I feel like I’m not positively impacting the lives of 23 kids I coach in soccer or the stresses of work or family (extended or close ) gets us down, I look for ways to be inspired. It’s everywhere if you let it touch you.

8 thoughts on “Inspiration is everywhere if you decide to let it touch you.

  1. Tim,
    The first time I saw the Paul Potts video was At Brian Buffini’s Mastermind conference in San Diego. That video, played on the huge projection screens took the 5000 people in the audience sideways. The audience reacted like they were watching it live. I hope readers take the time to open and watch it.

  2. Pingback: » carnivals and linklings for October 13, 2007 brip blap: life, simply improved

  3. There is always someone worse off than us and to see them smile in the face of their disability is absolutely amazing!
    If ever I have a bad day I immediately think of a little girl called Sophie Delezio here in Australia who suffered devastating injuries when she was 3 and has had major setbacks since, but when you see photos of her, she has the most beautiful smile. She’s gorgeous!

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