RCG Intermission to bring you ……

…..2″ of snow and rising in Snohomish County. Ummm, isn’t it April 18th, 2008, not mid February? Stevens Pass ski area closed a wee bit too early! If you can make it to our place, the hot chocolate is brewing, the fireplace is on and the kids are heading out to play and we have NO last minute escrow signings tonight! Yeah!

april snow2

Chrome and Teak are thinking….”you have got to be kidding us!”

36 thoughts on “RCG Intermission to bring you ……

  1. It really is pretty odd to watch it snowing on the tulips and daffodils. No accumulation to speak of here in Kirkland, but it’s been snowing most of the evening.

  2. Still snowing steady in Mukilteo too–we also have about 2″. Snowing since about 3pm. I’m worried about the plum trees and cherry trees–I saw some branches down.

  3. Help!

    I have a very large plum tree out front and it looks like one of the main branches has split from the weight of the wet snow.

    I think I’m going to need to cut it so it doesn’t split all the way to the trunk. Picture Jillayne with a chainsaw. Yikes!

    Do I cut straight up and down or diagonal? Any advice?

  4. The roads in Mukilteo were a little snowy but they stayed pretty safe all now. They are clear now and the snow is melting. Not sorry to see it go either! 🙂

    If you are still planning to cut back that plum tree, I think you want to cut it straight up and down. Good luck!

    Our little cherry and maple trees weathered the storms but some of the big plum trees in the neighborhood had problems because of the weight of the snow.

  5. I finished showing property today just in time. It’s started snowing again here a few minutes ago and the temperature has dropped considerably.

    Dramatic weather! In between we even had a little sun and decent temperatures.

  6. I had showings this afternoon too and while we were in one house, the temperature dropped about 10 degrees from when we went in, to about 15 minutes later when we came out. Crazy!

    I felt bad for the gal I was showing houses to, coming here from Indianapolis where apparently it is in the 70s. I kept saying, “but just last Saturday, it was 80 degrees!”

    She said, “yeah, people keep saying that…”

    This HAS to be the last gasp of winter. HAS to be!

  7. Well, Alpental is still open and they had 11 inches of new snow. I’m happy to report that the backcountry was great!

    A foot of powder on April 19. No complaints here

  8. Maybe this should be called SnowCityGuide?
    At least we can tell people who are new to the area that we have micro-climates. In can be snowing in Lynwood and sunny in Kirkland!

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