The Day After

[photopress:Ardell_attica.jpg,thumb,alignright]Choosing some lofty goals. You don’t climb a mountain, simply because “it is there”. You climb a mountain to get the strength of conviction needed to move mountains “The Day After”.

Taking the necessary steps to make changes that benefit both consumers and the industry at large, so others have a working model to follow, is my lofty goal. Telling everyone how I really feel is not about telling everyone how I feel. It’s about targeting some of the ways I can improve the system, one step at a time.

Climbing a mountain (See Quote #19) is of no use whatsoever, if you don’t do something differently the day after, and the day after that, and the day after that. When you run out of steam, or feel like you’ve hit a brick wall, or simply lose the courage to proceed…you find another mountain to climb and start the process again and again. C’est la vie for those who choose for it to be so…or not.

1) Every buyer should know the cash amount they need to bring to closing before they make an offer to purchase and not “after the loan docs come in”. We can change that in 5 seconds. I am changing that today.

2) There should be a training class for agents, that is actually a training class for agents. I need 10 agents to volunteer as guinea pigs for the class, so I can structure the curriculum. I’m hoping Seattle Eric will be one of the ten to volunteer, but he is the only “new agent, used to be investor”, that will be permitted in the class of 10, for “balance” purposes. Eric, agents should never be caricatures…too many are.

3) I decided to run for Club President of my Toastmaster’s International Club at next election in 8-10 weeks.

4) I’m giving my second speech on “Three Simple Steps to Effectively Managing Your Life” tomorrow night, and will continue to give that same speech, until I perfect the handouts to the point where everyone in the room “gets it”.

I’d like to have eight “lofty” goals, and add one every time I accomplish one. So if anyone out there has any suggestions for Changing the World one step at a time, I’ll consider picking the next 4 from your suggestions.

I need 4 more by Monday, so your thoughts appreciated.

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ARDELL is a Managing Broker with Better Properties METRO King County. ARDELL was named one of the Most Influential Real Estate Bloggers in the U.S. by Inman News and has 34+ years experience in Real Estate up and down both Coasts, representing both buyers and sellers of homes in Seattle and on The Eastside. email: cell: 206-910-1000

16 thoughts on “The Day After

  1. Tim,

    I’ll credit you with the 1st suggestion from the comments on your post. MLS should have a “New Rule” that Seller’s agent is NOT PERMITTED to put “Escrow to be xyz Company” in agent remarks when listing a property for sale. OK for them to note Title Company and Title Order #…but not OK for them to dictate to the buyer with regard to Escrow Company.

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  3. Sure Sandy. I see you are in Mukilteo. I was thinking the “class” would actually be a “course” as in 6 two hour sessions, half on Seller Representation and half on Buyer Representation, with field trips to actual houses. We “change our hats” and look at the same houses as the seller’s agent and then go back outside and come back in as the buyer’s agent. I could squeeze it into two 3 hour classes, or 4 two hour classes.

    The biggest challenge to agents, as I see it, is no one teaches the duplicity factors from each side separately. Agents seem to do the same thing whether they represent the buyer or the seller, which of course, can’t possibly be correct.

    Eric and Sandy – what do you think? 2 or 4 or 6 classes? Time of each class? Once a week for 2 -4 or 6 weeks?

    What timeframe to train to be a better agent both as a Buyer’s Agent and then separately as a Seller’s Agent. I don’t want to mix the two on the same day. I think that would be counter productive.

  4. Michele,

    Adding you here for the roundup. Sorry you couldn’t post. Don’t know why. So Eric, Michele and Sandy. We can do the first one with 5. We’ll see where we are next week.

  5. Rebecca,

    You are added. Gang, Rebecca says 4 to 6 once a week sessions. I haven’t heard from the others. Once a week gives you time to filter the information and 4 to 6 weeks gives you time to build and reinforce. Most sessions will be at houses that are for sale, not in a classroom setting.

  6. Hi Ardell,

    I would love to be a guinea pig too….if there is still room?
    Seeing/considering things from different points of view is really important to me, what a great opportunity!


  7. I think we can start with the five we have. Eric said any day is fine with him. I’m thinking Wednesday so we can use Broker’s Opens to bounce off of. There’s no charge, but ya’ll will have to come to Kirkland. We can do Juanita through Kirkland and a littl Finn Hill, and that will give us every type of real estate known to man.

    I don’t think any of you are in Seattle, which is a whole different ball game, so I won’t touch on houses built in the early 1900s unless someone really wants to do that. It’s a separate art form. I can do it last if anyone really wants it.

    Does Wednesday work for everyone? What time? I say 2 hours from 11-1 so we can hit some broker’s opens for hands on if you represent the seller vs. if you represent the buyer switches.

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