Getting in the holiday spirit yet?

[photopress:139.jpg,thumb,alignright]Can’t say that I am. I’m just finishing the Thanksgiving leftovers. But you can’t wait for the spirit to grab you, or all of the best shows will be over…or SOLD OUT! So here’s an early heads up on some of Seattle’s favorites:

Kirkland Performing Arts Center’s “The Nutcracker” is coming up and will be over before you know it. Everyone should see it at least once. Or Maybe The 5th Avenue Theatre’s performance of Irving Berlin’s “White Christmas”.

[photopress:NW_20Boychoir.jpg,thumb,alignleft]Not quite as expensive are the Northwest Choir presentations of “A festival of Lessons and Carols” that travels to various churches in the area. The big St. Mark’s Cathedral presentation on Capitol Hill on the 18th, is probably the one I’d shoot for.

I’ve always been a sucker for big Cathedrals, and not just at Christmas.

Here’s a whole string of events from Emmylou Harris, to “Billy Shakespeare’s Christmas Extravaganza and Traveling Freak Show”, for a bit of the non-traditional.

[photopress:c.jpg,thumb,alignright] Getting in the spirit doesn’t need to cost anything. The Spirit of Seattle “Christmas Ship” should be floating around spreading good cheer by now. Apparently the ship pulls up to some bonfire beaches so people can hear the music without having to be on the ship. Anyone know where these “bonfire beaches” are? Here’s the quote: “On shore, thousands of people, young and old alike, gather around roaring bonfires to share the joy of the season. On the water, other decorated boats join in the festivities by following the Christmas Ship™, forming the largest holiday flotilla in the world, cruising to over 45 waterfront communities.”

I’d rather be at the bonfire on the beach than on a boat, so if anyone knows where those bonfires are, and when the boats will be happening by the bonfire, let me know.

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ARDELL is a Managing Broker with Better Properties METRO King County. ARDELL was named one of the Most Influential Real Estate Bloggers in the U.S. by Inman News and has 34+ years experience in Real Estate up and down both Coasts, representing both buyers and sellers of homes in Seattle and on The Eastside. email: cell: 206-910-1000

4 thoughts on “Getting in the holiday spirit yet?

  1. Thanks Deborah! I don’t think all of the * ones have bonfires though, some must have “special lighting” at the location. I’m 99% sure Golden Gardens has bonfires. Maybe Juanita, but Marina Park? I think that’s probably a “special lighting” location.

    Anyone who can confirm “bonfire beach” from that link that Deborah provided, please do.

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