Group-Blog Etiquette

[photopress:e.jpg,full,alignright]Will the Emily Post Institute add a section on Group-Blog Etiquette someday? Maybe. But in the meantime, we all are creating that which future generations will write, and possibly adhere to, so let’s “have at it”. I will post my views on the topic, and maybe we can all pick this apart and come up with some acceptable norms for others.

Just like the other “blog rules” like no deleting, and striking out instead of straight editing…and other Blogosphere Guidelines (vs. Rules), the Group Blog introduces a whole new bailiwick of issues to be struggled with and ironed out.

For those not in a Group Blog, some of these issues still exist for you. As in when do you or do you not go into someone else’s blog and start disagreeing with the “host” of that blog? Do you jump in with your opposing view, different view, or do you read and lurk?

So while I am tackling this from a Group-Blog standpoint, there are ramifications for all bloggers in “the Blogosphere”. Dustin and I have discussed this topic from time to time and our feeling, generally, is let it run its course so we all learn from the experience. “All” being “The Blogosphere” generally. So while I am touching on it here…this is a scenario that will play out differently in different places.

My thoughts are that a Group-Blog should avoid Fellow Writers tripping over each other by the structure of the blog itself. I’ve used this analogy with Dustin, “Would you rent three stores in a 10 store shopping strip to three different Pizza Places?” But then, everything goes back to real estate for me, so maybe that’s not a reasonable analogy 🙂

We have two attorneys. But Craig and Russ pretty much have different areas of interest. I never see them tripping over each other. So that’s a good mix, and in my opinion, two attorneys in a room is always the limit, though I have had three at once, but only once.

I think the same theory applies to lenders and agents. A commercial and a residential agent…good…no tripping. I’m not going to tell a commercial real estate agent how to do his business, and he’s not going to tell me how to do residential. Elaine’s focus was not the same as mine for the most part…so not much tripping.

The mix of people, I think is the main key, as it will keep blog etiquette issues to a minimum. With two commercial agents or two residential agents, that they work in different areas is not sufficient, but helps. When Greg Swann first added agents from different states, I have to admit I thought it was strange. But at least if they disagree on strategy or principle, they can say “Well here in San Diego things work differently. So in hindsight, Kudos to Greg on that one. (though I do not mean to suggest that is WHY they did that) Greg’s having come from the writing industry, I think, gave him the foresight to consider this the way one might divvy up the topics in a writing establishment. She’s gardening tips, he’s sports, etc… Though he has a mindset mix in AZ mixed in, they understand “their space” as far as I can tell. Whether it’s because they are just sharp dudes about it, or had an actual undertanding? I think they are just “sharp dudes about it” 🙂 Maybe a little of each.

However, we cannot do that nor do I suggest we do that, because we are Seattle. We are “Rain City”. So as much as I admire BloodhoundBlog’s format, I don’t think we can handle our blog etiquette issues in similar fashion. Having 12 real estate agents in the same marketplace, coming from all different directions, can turn into a very interesting thing to watch, along the lines of mud-wrestling in bikinis or a constant smack-down. Exciting, I guess to some, but…hmmmm.

I have been asked by some hefty blog sites out there in the Blogosphere to be interviewed on this issue, and have declined, as I think we need to talk it out here, where it happens. And not there, where they want to discuss it for other reasons. So this is just a beginning point, as I know for sure that “The Blogosphere” is inquiring into this issue.

In fact if anyone knows of any articles already written on Group-Blogs, please provide the links in the comments.

My thoughts are this. You run it like a combination of a Newspaper and an Agent Office Meeting. You try to keep the “group” going as cohesively as possible by keeping the mix a true mix, as in no “three pizza parlors”. We’ve already, though recently, stepped out of that advice/mindset, so obviously not all agree 🙂 I won’t go into what you do when you already have three pizza parlors in the shopping center, other than my comments to this scenario in comment #35.

Hashing out industry issues like Redfin’s treatment of the Buyer Agent Fee, whether or not to use written contracts with buyers and a host of other industry wide topics, is great.

But to give the consumer the transparency of strategy and procedure and detail, that they want, and not always be wishy-washy generic BS, will create a lot of differences of opinion. So if we are going to stop tripping on each other by not raising the topics the consumer yearns for…well, let’s just say that is my worst fear.

Ok Blog Etiquette Junkies! “Have “At It”!

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ARDELL is a Managing Broker with Better Properties METRO King County. ARDELL was named one of the Most Influential Real Estate Bloggers in the U.S. by Inman News and has 34+ years experience in Real Estate up and down both Coasts, representing both buyers and sellers of homes in Seattle and on The Eastside. email: cell: 206-910-1000

88 thoughts on “Group-Blog Etiquette

  1. Ardell:

    Group Blog Etiquette is so…2007. It reminds me of all the little books written in the late 90’s “Cell Phone Etiquette”.

    Have we noticed a cross blog etiquette develop? I want to question you about virtually everything you write because, well…I find it interesting. I do, however, recognize that this is your crib and you are writing to your audience. I’ll state an opinion on RCG but not belabor the issue just like I wouldn’t argue religion at your dinner party. Now, Active Rain is more of a “university setting” for the industry. I’m cool hashing it out with someone there.

    I think mutual industry-types can coexist and discourse is healthy if we approach our comments from a position of curiosity rather than judgement. I am perpetually curious when I visit RCG.

  2. Like I said last night in our emails…. us out of state folks just read to watch all the fighting, does this mean we ain’t going to get our fix anymore?


    PS: Sent you an email. Quiet upset about one little comment you made.

  3. First off I want to give credit to Dustin for creating such a diverse blog. I feel the success of any blog is directly related to the Gatekeeper (Dustin). One thing I have enjoyed in the Real Estate industry the last 19 years is there are so many different types of agents out there.

    There are the “Ardell’s” who think the only way to conduct business is their way.

    The “Professionals” who try to run their business like a business.

    The “Buffini’s” that use scripts and coaching to quickly gain the riches of the industry.

    The “Part Timers” who live off their sphere of influence. One of the most successful agents I have known has been a part timer of 20 years. He was a full time school teacher and part time agent. He put up some unbelievable numbers.

    The “Discounters” who live by an excel spreadsheet that calculates how many deals they have to do to make a living. And if they discount enough customers will pound their doors down and they will make so much money.

    The “Traditionals” who work 60 hours a week ready for that client call 24/7 never taking a vacation because they could miss that new listing that could come on the market while they were gone.

    The “Organizers” their P&S’s are so complete every T is crossed and I is doted. Follow up calls on every event and cute little thank you cards every time a path crossing occurs.

    The “Statistician’s” that can not do a presentation with out a graph, chart or inventory analysis. I fall into this category.

    I’m sure there are many others but most can picture themselves in one of these categories. I think all of these types of agents have valuable input to this blog because each one of them comes at the issues from a totally different direction and perspective. I think there is only one topic that toes get stepped on and that is “Agency”. Outside agency I enjoy reading about their thoughts on the millions of topics that come up especially if they disagree?.

  4. LOL…the world according to Allen. Can I puke now? Discounters would very much surprise you and not all have the Excel spread sheet out. Many are ona mission to make some industry-wide changes and provide more options. But then, some people have to think their way is the “only way” like me and you as well, apparently 🙂

  5. Great post, Ardell.

    I reallly don’t like rules — I mean I mosyly hate rules — so we don’t have any at BHB. All I’m interested in is great writing, so I’ll look at anyone who can write well. We have five Realtors (four with broker’s licenses), so, by now, Realtors who want to write with us have to leap a higher hurdle than others might. I also like geographic and legal diversity, so someone coming from a sub-agency state might have a stonger case. In any case, my feeling is that fascinating writing carries the whole burden, so that’s what I look for.

    As for people disagreeing, I like it. I think it is possible to disagree without being disagreeable, and those kinds of debates fuel thoughtful reconsideration.

    It’s possible the whole thing will blow up tomorrow, but we seem to be chugging along well for now.

  6. Jillayne,

    I agree with your pizza thingie, but you changed the facts…only 10 stores in a strip mall. More group-blog like than a mall. Unless maybe we want to have 50 bloggers.

    I think Dustin would! LOL!

  7. Allen,

    Why do you think Agency hits such a nerve with you? Buyer Agency is SO not advanced because agents don’t like to hear it…but isn’t that why NYC buyers have none yet? It SO has to be talked about more. Why does that annoy agents more than buyers who need it to advance?

  8. Allen brings up another good point. Everyone will view this from their own perspective. 19 years in the real estate industry might get anoyed at different things than a young techie type.

  9. Greg,

    I saw the opposite of “blowing up” on I think Sellsius’ blog.

    That is everyone going out of their way to give kudos to one another. The Blogosphere and agents all saying “high five” if you will.

    A consumer came in and said, if you people don’t stop congratulating yourselves I am going to PUKE! LOL

    Something like that. So what makes Allen Puke, vs Me Puke, vs. the consumer public…is quite different. So the question is…maybe…who do you care about? Someone’s gonna puke no matter what you do. But if you end up with the ones you wanted leaving and the ones you didn’t staying…

    Just food for thought…

  10. Ardell,

    Agency doesn’t hit any nerves with me. My agency comment was made because those threads never have any conclusion and just result in throw downs. While most other real estate related topics you get such a vast array of insight. Agency seems to be a no win topic even when a Russ chimes in and quotes state laws he is told he is wrong. If the agents don’t clearly understand agency how is the public going to follow the thread.

  11. Ardell,

    Now this crossed the line:

    “19 years in the real estate industry might get anoyed at different things than a young techie type.”

    I think you just called me old. I very much consider myself a young techie.


  12. > So the question is…maybe…who do you care about?

    All I care about it speaking the truth as I see it wisely and well. If no one wants to listen to me, the ears I’m writing for first — my own — are still well satsified.

    (Incidentally, this is why I’ve never worked as a writer-for-hire. If someone can fire me, he can tell me what to write, and I won’t do it.)

    (Can I say more? I deliberately write for the mind’s ear. I think of it that way, as imaginary sound — as imaginary music when I work well. If you try to read my prose out loud, you’ll trip a lot. It doesn’t work as _real_ sound. But it is meant to _resound_ in your head, to make a striking sound to your mind’s ear. The essence of a true meme, and I don’t know if this is in Dawkins, is the idea that lodges itself in your brain and _will not_ go away — like the hook to a pop tune. The best work a writer can do, and I don’t flatter myself to think I am up to this job, is to cajole people into rethinking the ideas that most fundamentally drive their lives. A perfect meme is a mental virus that rebuilds human minds in its own image and likeness. Now _that_ is Godhead!)

  13. Ardell,

    One pizza joint has a place in a strip mall. Pizza vendor number 2 is trying to decide where to put his shop. He puts it very close to his or her competitor because they will both drive business to each other.

    Two Realtors blogging on the web. They’re both blogging about the same thing, say, a neighborhood. They will get more traffic by combining efforts rather than trying to out-do each other solo, and this results in more business for both Realtors…but this requires that they share space and will require some basic ground rules of conduct.

  14. Allen,

    It’s my mission in life. Accept that. Look at NYC – NO BUYER AGENCY and furthermore…that is why you should LOVE Redfin.

    Yes Allen, the world is wrong on buyer agency. Accept it. Fix it. Until then I won’t stop because if we stop talking about Agency the buyer is SCREWED!

    19 years in the business, Allen…make way for new thought then. You don’t have to like it or get it. But the buyers will get it one way or the other. I’m never shutting up about Buyer Agency.

    I represent sellers too, of course…but everyone does that fairly well, pretty much everyone and the forms and the rules and all that is in place for sellers.

    But Buyer Agency has been stopped by everyone shutting up about it, and wanting everyone else to shut up about it, and we both know why that is. Because the Fixed Buyer Agent Fee is at risk if we talk about it and when we talk about Redfin.

    Do you also say Z ?

  15. OK back to Pizza!

    Jillayne, how do the two pizza places set “rules of conduct” when they are next door to each other? I get the general gist of it…but where are you going?

    No standing outside like strip shows saying “come in here”,we have the best uh…whatever?

    No, saying our pizza is better than theirs. No saying our pizza is the best. No photos of the pizza in the windows. How do the pizza places promote and not compete? First rule would be Pizza Guy #1 shouldn’t run over to Pizza Guys store with his pizza, right? LOL

    That’s my point. I think the Pizza Guys kind of have to stay in their own store…somewhat, within reason.

  16. Allen,

    That’s the confusion I have always had with you. I hit your little blue name and there you are YOUNG!! And then you talk like a 19 year in the real estate industry person.

  17. Ardell,

    The pizza guys have four levels of conduct. First level (foundational level) is the law, example: no killing your competitor.

    Moving up, the second level is foundational for the survival of the pizza joint: A corporation’s job is to make profits, within the bounds of the law.

    Third level of conduct would be spelled out in any professional association they are REQUIRED to belong to such as the Professional Association for the Advancement of Pizza Addiction (Motto: “Yo PAAPA sez ta eat pizza at every meal.”)

    Fourth level of conduct would be spelled out in any company code of ethics, yet often these are too vague to be helpful.

    Fifth level, and with the least amount of consequences if broken, are levels of etiquette. example: don’t spit on your competitor’s sidewalk.

    I’ll bet Greg Swann has some baseline rules somewhere around level 4, and he likes them because he made them. Example of how I see Greg’s rules as written above in #6 and #14: Be a good writer, speak the truth, and use the Socratic method.

  18. I’ll thrown my hat in the ring with an opinion…

    Ardell, you are extremely passionate about a few topics in real estate and many of us love you for that… My guess is that your problems with other writers have very little to do with their profession (lawyer, agent, broker, techie, etc.) and a hell of a lot more to do with whether or not they agree with your opinion on one crucial topic (buyer’s agency).

    My opinion is that, of course, a group blog can (and does) work with lots of agents on board assuming the topic is sufficiently broad. In other words, if this was a blog about promoting the idea of buyer’s agency, then there would be no way to have contradictory writers without major clashes… However, I’ve purposely set the mission as to explore the Seattle real estate scene so that other writers have lots of freedom to explore other topics, business models, neighborhood information, etc. that don’t clash. And even when opinions clash, I don’t expect every writer to agree with you as I don’t think any of us have a monopoly on what’s best for consumers.

  19. Dustin,

    Let’s use Craig and I as an example. If Craig says “Agents only fill in blanks and you don’t need an agent. Call me. Sell for Sale by Owner in one of HIS articles. I would stay away. It’s his article; his opinion. His schtick. His space. I respect his article and opinion there in his article. His Pizza Shop…his toppings.

    But when I write an article, if Craig would come in to the comments on my article and say the same thing as he did in his article “you don’t need no steenkin’ agent and she can only fill in blanks…well he would be spitting on my pavement, to use Jillayne’s wonderful analogy.

    As for “buyer agency” being an issue I disagree except as to the “Redfin-Lover” thing between Allen and I. I’m a Redfin lover. So are a lot of people. The bigger question is why are there Redfin haters? But that’s not about etiquette. That’s about boycott in my mind, not buyer agency. So yes…it feels anti-trustish to me and I react accordingly. No one is allwed to hate Redfin. 🙂

  20. I’m going to call Greg Swann back in on this one.


    You and Russ obviously have differences about commission issues. He says his thing…you say yours. I haven’t been watching closely.

    You don’t go into his Pizza Store and say he should have variable commissions, and he doesn’t come into your pizza store and say “less money less talent” or something to that effect correct?

    Each stands alone, with different mindsets. I think that’s how it works there. I don’t think there’s any other way to do it legally, as it is illegal to discuss together the price of pizza.

    It’s not just about etiquette. Greg talks about his fees and Russ talks about his. Two different companies cannot compare notes on fees, so the pizza guys can’t eat and comment on each other’s pizza, legally.

    Have you thought about the fee issue…two companies…one screen…and the legalities of that?

  21. Ardell,

    LOL, people get to have their emotions. But you knew that. Here is how I experience the Redfin frenzy.

    Transparency of how much the buyer’s agent makes is shown to the Redfin home buyer UP FRONT. As is now stands (at least in the greater Seattle market) many agents don’t really ever talk about that percentage or dollar amount with the homebuyer.

    Redfin’s business proposition to the consumer sparks fear in the heart of buyer’s agents. But it doesn’t come out as fear in conversations, it comes out as aggression. Aggression masks fear.

    Agents: you show your hand when acting mad or aggressive about Redfin.

  22. > You and Russ obviously have differences about
    > commission issues. He says his thing…you say
    > yours. I haven’t been watching closely.

    > You don’t go into his Pizza Store and say he
    > should have variable commissions, and he doesn’t
    > come into your pizza store and say “less money
    > less talent” or something to that effect correct?

    I think Russell Shaw probably does say that as a general argument, but I don’t care. I don’t mean I’m indifferent to his opinions — very much the contrary. But I accept that not everyone agrees with me — not even always me in the end!

    > Each stands alone, with different mindsets. I
    > think that’s how it works there.

    That much is true. Russell is hugely tolerant in social interactions. He believes, with good grounds, that he is right, but the doesn’t care if others disagree, nor does he push his views on others. Considering where he sits on the Realtor ziggurat, I’m amazed that he is so generous with his ideas.

    > I don’t think there’s any other way to do it
    > legally, as it is illegal to discuss together the
    > price of pizza.

    > It’s not just about etiquette. Greg talks about
    > his fees and Russ talks about his. Two different
    > companies cannot compare notes on fees, so the
    > pizza guys can’t eat and comment on each other’s
    > pizza, legally.

    > Have you thought about the fee issue…two
    > companies…one screen…and the legalities of that?

    This much I disagree with. The FTC would regard _collusion_ on fees as a crime. Mere discussion is not collusion, which would require the further overt act of agreeing to collude. The paranoia among agents about naming specific percentages is a testament to the nervous-Nellie nature of associations of Realtors. If someone says 6% with a Cooperating Broker or 4% for Dual Agency, that’s no different than WalMart posting a price of $78.88 on their “discounted” iPod Shuffles.

    The good news is: It’s okay with me if you or others here disagree with me about this. 😉

  23. I agree Jillayne. I say that no one is allowed to hate Redfin, because that is basically the basis for the DOJ suit. Traditional models have to treat all business models equally. To only embrace those with the same fee structure creates price fixing issues and why fees have been the same since Adam and Eve regardless of rising sale prices and technology.

    Brokers must say Love Redfin LOL Love MLS4 U. Disliking them can translate into abuses, such as not showing their listings those rotten SOB’s. So Liking them is a pre-requisite to encouraging correct behavior, in my opinion of course.

  24. Gregg,

    Do you go ON to Russ’ article with your differing thoughts on commission in response to HIS article? I don’t think so. And I don’t think he does that to you either.

    I think everyone can have articles of different focus for sure!!

    Question is, does one particpant go over and put the way he does it, on another contributor’s article comments? I haven’t seen that happen, but then I don’t read all of your comments every day. I peek in to see if the bubble people left 🙂

  25. > Question is, does one particpant go over and put the way he does it, on another contributor’s article comments?

    I don’t recall anything like that, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it has happened. None of us inhibited. Certainly it happens all the time with other things: We have five Realtors, working different markets in very different ways. The “yeah, but” rejoinder is a nice bonus, IMO.

    I’m not sure where this is going by now…

    Regarding the bubbleheads, I am on the warpath on flaming and flame-baiting. I hate doing it, but I don’t want them acting out in my virtual living room.

  26. I’d like to hear Russ’s take (our Russ) on different agents from different companies and the commission thing. I still have the Realtor orientation tape stuck in my brain saying you can’t ever mention commissions with other agents from other companies in the same “room”.

    I’ve been in Active Rain for a couple of weeks. Someone commented on on of my articles saying “I charge x and then x and…”. I was like whoa…I edited it to keep his point without the actual figures showing.

    Hundreds of agents in the same “room” there.

  27. It seems that if you have two agents on the same blog platform with differing viewpoints, it might be best for one not to jump onto the post of the other and comment lest people tune in for the pissing matches and lose sight of what the discussion actually was about.

    Having said that, can we get the bikini mud-wrestling on some sort of podcast? Sellsius is promoting video since Inman … this would seem to be a tremendous use, at least for the sake of blogging science.

  28. I was watching the Kelman – Dalton video over at Sellsius earlier. The way they did the podcast, Allen had to sit and his hand kept waving in his face. Some things are just not meant for podcast 🙂 Allen looks a lot better when you can see his whole body and he can walk all around the stage and into the audience.

  29. Ardell,

    I get, follow, and agree with your general blog etiquette premise.

    At Bloodhound Blog, Greg laid down NO rules for us. I believe that if he didn’t feel like the writer could be a good net citizen… he wouldn’t give ’em a password and identity.

    Personally, I look at a blog article writer as being the “host” of that particular dinner party. You don’t have to roll over if the “host” is not right – but you don’t go out of your way to pick a fight with the “host” either.

    Of course, any of the unruly guests (comment writers) that step out of line are prime targets for an earful.

  30. Doug,

    I agree, which brings up the subject of answering comments. Just as a host would greet their own guests, the writer of each article should answer their own comments. Unless the “host” appears to be busy, in which case someone has to “answer the door” that isn’t the host.

    I don’t think Bloodhound is the same in that regard, as the comments don’t show in the sidebar, just the topic of the comment. It would surprise me if other writers noticed if comments were not being responded to at “your place”. Of course not all need a response.

    Perhaps Greg would answer a question after giving the host a suitable timeframe to respond to a question on someone else’s article.

    Dustin is the King of acknowledging comments. I try to cover for him in that regard since he’s gotten busier this year. But no one can welcome someone like Dustin…clearly not me 🙂

  31. > Perhaps Greg would answer a question after giving the host a suitable timeframe to respond to a question on someone else’s article.

    Apparently, I break all the rules. I watched the Inman Connect symposium on weblogging. (Two words: Toast. Masters.) I don’t write short. I don’t write EZ-reading. I don’t summarize or bullet-point to promote skimming. I will only use an image when I think it actually helps tell the story. I actively avoid pictures when I think they will intrude on the conceptual content.

    With respect to comments, I only respond if I think I have something new to add. I won’t talk at all to commenters who conceal their identities. I don’t respond if I think someone is just trying to go one up on me. In any case, I don’t think having written a post imposes a positive obligation on me.

    On the other hand, BloodhoundBlog’s other contributors are often game to take on things I don’t, and vice versa. If I feel like I have something interesting to add, I jump in. I don’t have the impression that anyone is terribly territorial about their posts (and if they do feel stepped on, they should say so).

  32. Good point Greg,

    My feeling is the opposite. Anonymous being much more important than “not anonymous”. To me, “not anonymous”, is someone within the industry who has a link. “Anonymous” is a consumer reader. That’s my understanding. “blue” equals industry insider; “black” equals consumer, for the most part. Except for agents who want to say something they don’t want traced back to them, which I think is pretty cowardly.

    The main host sets the “tone” of expectation, somewhat. Back when I first joined, Dustin was a genial host. Always thanking people for stopping by, etc. That set an expectation in my mind that “guests” should be “greeted” in some fashion and not “ignored”.

    For instance, I just received a question comment on something I wrote back in Feburary of 2006. I think it is my “obligation” again, for lack of a better term, to answer that person since I wrote the original article. Questions are more obvious, of course, than “flat” comments.

  33. I’ve always put a ton of attention toward the comments on RCG and you’re right Ardell that I try to never let a new commenter go unanswered.

    My logic stems from my own experience leaving comments on other people’s blog. If I leave a comment, I know that I’m quite likely to check back on that post a few times over the next few hours. If I get a response, then a conversation is started. If I don’t get a response, then the host might have just lost a reader!

  34. Dustin,

    I noted in Allen’s comment #4 the double “Dustin Gatekeeper” reference. I do think some are confused by the fact that I at times step in as “alternate Gatekeeper”, given your new and increased and demanding job activities. I got the feeling that Allen resented that, and it does make me feel more overbearing in perception of viewer, than I was when simply one of the many frequent contributors. Lord knows I’m overbearing enough LOL I think that creates a confusion for Allen, but maybe only Allen.

    The structure that Robbie and I are “manning the ship as needed” with not full admin…but edit and conrol issues, is not obvious to the reader.

    For instance, I have spent many hours doing hand deletes of random spam deep link comments that you could have, had you the time, maybe deleted en masse. i say to myself, “I have to get rid of those as Dustin is likely at work and in the middle of what he gets paid for :)” But as I’m deleting them one by one (usually in the morning with one eye open as they seem to hit overnight), I can’t help but think there must be an easier way!

  35. Greg,

    Do you notice if someone asks a question and that question doesn’t get answered ever, if it is not your article?

    I recently asked someone to “write” and they want to “write” but they don’t want to answer any comments. Is that a realistic position for a group blog contributor to take, in your opinion?

    Can someone post an article, and only post articles as if comments are “turned off” on their article, if not literally then figuratively?

  36. Speaking of turned off comments, I turned the comments off on my new blog site as most of the articles are being moved from the old site. The newer articles however, will have the comments turned on, but I do not feel the old articles should have the comments turned on until everything has been moved.

    Also sites like RSS Pieces advise newer sites to turn the comments off until they have a loyal following of fresh readers because if someone see that the site isn’t getting many comments, they would think the blog is dead. In my case, I am back in school, so in a way my blog is dead but I am there still and I have no intentions of giving it up, just take a little time off to get my school work done and it’s back to blogging for me so I have them turned off for that purpose as well.

  37. Derek,

    I ran into something like that yesterday on my blog. I “lifted” something instead of linking (and noted that) because it was the very first thing posted by that blogger.

    It was a list of closed mortgages that gave detail as to score and rate and terms of loan and not “an article” per se and I thought it would be a dis-service to the blogger to highlight his blog when it was in infancy and not built up yet.

    Seems the courtesies we extend are the same in blogging, as in real life! As Jillayne so eloquently reminds us. She’s “a keeper”!

  38. > “Anonymous” is a consumer reader.

    Our anonymous commenters are almost always bubbleheads. They come in with fake names and fake email addresses so that they can behave like idiots. They’re good at it.

    > Do you notice if someone asks a question and that
    > question doesn’t get answered ever, if it is not
    > your article?

    No. I watch the comments for the bad behavior of anonymous idiots, not so much otherwise.

    > I recently asked someone to “write” and they want
    > to “write” but they don’t want to answer any
    > comments. Is that a realistic position for a group
    > blog contributor to take, in your opinion?

    If the writing were of a high enough caliber, I would have no problem with this. I have no problem with it now, with our contributors. Commenters are not paying for responses. Bread cast upon the waters is not an entitlement program.

    > Can someone post an article, and only post
    > articles as if comments are “turned off” on their
    > article, if not literally then figuratively?

    Ask Seth.

    Some comments are great. Some are vile. Some are clueless. I’m busy. Everything I do, I do in the service of my own interests. If there is not something for me in responding to a comment — something to add, something to learn, or at least something fun — I don’t respond. Vita brevis.

  39. Pingback: The Lights of Blogway: Deconstructing the Group Blog at sellsius° real estate blog

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