Twas the Night Before March 4: Mortgage Eve

Twas the night before

more information to follow

about the new refinances and cram downs

…almost too much  to swallow. 

Okay…I’ll stop with the rhyme simply because I can’t keep it going!   There are a lot of Mortgage Professionals and Homeowners waiting to hear if they will be helped tomorrow. 

According to the White House Blog, responsible upside down home owners with good credit may qualify to refinance with a loan to value up to 105% with a conventional 30 or 15 year amortized mortgage.  (I’m guessing most would and should opt for a 30 year amortized mortgage)…tomorrow:

  • When can I apply?

Mortgage lenders will begin accepting applications after the details of the program are announced on March 4, 2009. 

I’ve heard nothing as of yet…    I have a lot of questions that I hope will be answered soon.

This from Kenneth Harney’s article on Sunday:

In a letter to private mortgage insurers Feb. 20, Fannie and Freddie’s top regulator confirmed that there would be no requirement for refinancers to buy new mortgage insurance, despite exceeding the 80 percent LTV threshold.

James B. Lockhart III, director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, described the new refinancing opportunity as “akin to a loan modification” that creates “an avenue for the borrower to reap the benefit of lower mortgage rates in the market.” Lockhart spelled out several key restrictions on those refinancings:

• No “cash outs” will be permitted. This means the new loan balance can only total the previous balance, plus settlement costs, insurance, property taxes and association fees.

• Loans that already had mortgage insurance will likely continue to have coverage under the existing amounts and terms, thereby limiting Fannie and Freddie’s exposure to loss. But loans where borrowers originally made down payments of 20 percent or higher will not require new insurance for the refi, despite current LTVs over the 80 percent limit.

• The cutoff date for the entire program is June 10, 2010.

The “no cash out” factor is concerning.  Refinances where a second mortgage and/or HELOC is included (being paid off) that was not obtained when the home was purchased, is classified as “cash out”.  Even if the second mortgage was refinanced as a rate-term (only to reduce or fix the rate–the home owner never saw a dime of equity from their home in the form of cash).    It appears as those home owners with second mortgages will only be able to subordinate the second mortgage…and good luck with that!  

Banks have yet to adapt the higher conforming loan limitseven though it’s been announced by HUD and FHFA…I’m hoping we’ll see this tomorrow as well “in concert” with the unveiling of Obama’s mortgage plan.

Obama’s plan promises lower mortgage rates…butthese rates are fighting Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s LLPAs (huge price hits, such as the 0.75% hit to fee with condos over 75% loan to value).   Why not just get rid of some of these adds that are making rates unactracting…or atleast consolidate some of the brackets.  Is there really a difference between a home owner with a 739 and 740 middle credit score?

We’ll know tomorrow if there is a Mortgage Santa Claus and if he left any goodies under the tree.

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