Gone Facebooking… Be back soon

seahawk fansEarlier today, I launched the latest integration between Facebook and RCG… If you check out the right sidepanel, you’ll see that you can now become a fan of RCG directly from this site thanks a new tool released by Facebook called the Fan Box.

Since I launched the RCG fan page a few weeks ago, I’ve been experimenting will all kinds of content. Some RCG articles, some news articles, some community blog posts, some event related posts… and it’s been really interesting to see which ones resonate with people enough to get them to engage. Just some of the articles I’ve highlighted on our fan page include:

What I really like about the RCG FB Page is that it lets me publish quick links that I think will be interesting to the RCG community without the need to take up a post.

If you’re interested in taking part in this extension of RCG, all you need to do is “become a fan” using the box to the right!

And if you have a story you want to see us cover, I just created a page that will let you use a nifty Facebook Updater widget to share links and/or stories with us. This is definitely not the permanent solution, but as a test of the technology, it should do the trick!

Happy Facebooking!

[CC photo courtesy of Lopolis]

4 thoughts on “Gone Facebooking… Be back soon

  1. I’m loving this new FB widget and have added it to my blog too… I’ve all ready noticed an increase in getting new Fans. Dustin, I really have to thank you for all the information you have provided us about Facebook. It’s an amazing way to get and stay connected with folks.

  2. I think this is a great idea – I keep trying to play around with those fan boxes, but haven’t figured them out quite yet. I am ever impressed with FB’s evolvement and appreciate you sharing all of it with us!

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