reblogworld, Baby!

I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to participating at RE Blogworld in LasVegas this week.  I feel like I’m inrebw_final “nerd-vana”…in a good way, really!   I’m going to be on a panel with Jay Thompson, Derek  Overbey and Jeff Turner moderated by Matt Fagioli.  We’re going to be the “first track” on Thursday, October 15,  covering Using Social Media for Real Estate.    And if the bantering I’ve witnessed via emails together is any indicator of what our panel should be like…it’s going to not only be informing…it should be entertaining as well.    I’m totally honored to be included with this group and to be taking part in this event.

Social media has done so much for me and my career.  I absolutely love writing for the consumer and being able to work for people I “attract”  (and my past clients) instead of having to use “cold” methods such as post cards to strangers, up-calls or paying for “leads”.   I’m looking forward to learning more ways to fine tune and streamline social media.

I hope to write a post while I’m at Blog World…I’ll have to see how things go.  Odds are that you may not be seeing rates from me on Friday.  Because I’ll be in Vegas, Baby!  🙂

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About Rhonda Porter

Rhonda Porter is an NMLS Licensed Mortgage Originator MLO121324 for homes located in Washington state. Her blog, The Mortgage Porter, is nationally recognized for sharing relevant information to consumers about mortgages. She has been originating mortgages since 2000 at Mortgage Master Service Corporation #40445 Consumer NMLS Website: NMLS ID 40445. Equal Housing Opportunity. You can follow Rhonda on @mortgageporter, Facebook and/or Google+

12 thoughts on “reblogworld, Baby!

  1. Jay…I’m really looking forward to being on the panel AND everything I’ll learn. 🙂

    Ray…I must admit, I’m not really a “Vegas” person…but I make the most of it when I’m there.

  2. RE Blogworld and Blogworld Convention and Expo was a great event. I’ll need time to absorb everything I learned! I do have photos posted on my Facebook profile if anyone is interested.

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