Great show Ardell!- (saves a lot of typing). I was raised in Wallingford, spent a lot of time running around Green Lake as part of Lincoln High School’s pre-service fitness program. I guess it does show what you RE Agents have to deal with. To me, it shows home design has come a long way. J-
I looked at the pictures far differently. I cranked the volume up while looking deep in the background of each one hoping maybe she caught a pic of the arsonist. I hope they catch this sick clown and the neighbors continue to gather to take back their prized neighborhood. I would be out every other night at midnight with Sam my magical mystery dog patrolling.
Ardell your a Rocker! Crank up the volume everyone! Sounds like a Green Day Riff!
Great show Ardell!- (saves a lot of typing). I was raised in Wallingford, spent a lot of time running around Green Lake as part of Lincoln High School’s pre-service fitness program. I guess it does show what you RE Agents have to deal with. To me, it shows home design has come a long way. J-
I looked at the pictures far differently. I cranked the volume up while looking deep in the background of each one hoping maybe she caught a pic of the arsonist. I hope they catch this sick clown and the neighbors continue to gather to take back their prized neighborhood. I would be out every other night at midnight with Sam my magical mystery dog patrolling.
Ray- Why not every night? J-