Do you ever Google people?

Tim PilgrimDo you google people before (or after) you meet them? I’m under the impression that everyone does it, and yet, I feels pings of guilt in admitting it…

Anyway, I sometimes google things related to this site and I was very pleasantly surprised to find that one of our very own contributors received an “Every Day Hero” award from the Red Cross for his quick actions in helping to put out a fire at a home in the University District! Congratulations Tim Pilgrim!

Oh, the things we can learn from google!

7 thoughts on “Do you ever Google people?

  1. I think a lot of people google people, and while there is a little bit of guilt that can go along with google-ing someone, it should not be a problem. Most people don’t really have too many skeletons posted on the net…but I completely understand your hesitance.

    Cully Perlman

  2. how can i google people??i need a special google program??i would apreciate if u can give me some advices about how i can google people.thanx

  3. Alexander,

    Are you asking how you can become a googleable “normal” person? Or are you looking FOR a “normal” person?

    I was looking for a normal person once. He wasn’t Googleable, but his brother was, and I found the person I was looking for through the brother.

    If you are referring to yourself, start a blog. If you mention your own name in a blog article, chances are you will eventually be “googleable”.

  4. Alexander,

    Are you asking how you can become a googleable “normal” person? Or are you looking FOR a “normal” person?

    I was looking for a normal person once. He wasn’t Googleable, but his brother was, and I found the person I was looking for through the brother.

    If you are referring to yourself, start a blog. If you mention your own name in a blog article, chances are you will eventually be “googleable”.

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