Winding Down 2005, Answering My Own Interview Questions, and Ramping Up for 2006

dustin throwing sasha in yosemiteThe year 2005 is winding down and the next interview that I post will be my last post of a fantastic year as well as my last interview in (what I think has been) a great series of interviews. In addition to all the blogs that I’ve added to my blog reader, I’ve learned a ton from these interviews and I’ve filed away a bunch of ideas for future posts.

I have been requested a few different times in both comments and emails to post my own answers to my interview questions, but this seemed a little awkward. Instead I asked Andy Kaufman if he would be interested in interviewing me and conveniently, he asked the same 10 questions I asked all of my interviewees :). You can see my responses over at MyEastBayAgent .

In addition to being my last post of the year, I’ve also decided to take a few weeks off posting to give some much deserved attention to my wife, and soon enough, our newborn child. However, as I mentioned in an earlier post, Galen has offered to step up to the plate in my absence. If his first post is any indication of his future posting content and style, then I’ve definitely left Rain City Guide in some good hands!

I wish everyone a Wonderful New Years and many Exciting Adventures in 2006!

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