Will Hicks lets us know that there are plenty of US embassies still on the market…
Ron Ares leads us to the ultimate real estate ethics guru: Ted Truitt
[photopress:wacky_wednesday.jpg,thumb,alignright]Because Flipping should only be practiced by professionals…
It’s the little things that get so darn messy…
If you’re willing to follow, Marlow leads us toward a worldly journey of kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, etc where there is no normal: Normal Room
And, of course, the original: Wacky Wednesday
I have read Wacky Wednesday at least one million, two hundred fifteen thousand, four hundred and twelve times, which comes in third after Green Eggs and Ham and Curious George Goes to the Hospital.
Thanks for all the Wacky links, Dustin. My favorites was Marlow’s.
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Jillayne: Marlow linked to a pretty addicting site… It’s definitely a lot of fun to see what rooms look like in different countries! Anna and I were both looking at it and we had fun identifying the characteristics that make for an eastern european kitchen…
Thanks for the link love. The “Flipping should only be practiced by professionals” link is great. Hilarious.