to bring you this video interview by Joel from Inman Connect. While I talk too much and too fast, some of you might find it interesting to hear a bit about the history of RCG as well as some more details on the idea of “linkation“…
Now you can go back to your regularly scheduled programming…
Hi Dustin,
I watched the video this morning on the Inman blog and have decided to run this interview during my New Media/Blogging class.
Many (not all) Realtors have a really tough time understanding the concept of linking to !!! a competitor (the horror!) as if the words coming out of my mouth were invisible knives aimed right at their jugular vein.
I try to explain simple game theory concepts of business, such as why we see two Starbucks on the same block, or a McD’s and a Burger King right across the street to each other….you drive traffic to each other so both blogs win.
Do you believe me when I say that many agents do not, under any circumstances, want their competitor to win at all?
Dustin, this is a great interview and I’ve posted it on my tiny blog I’ve created to try to help the agents I work with start blogging…
You talk faster than your lips move on this video!
OK, now everyone go over to Inman and rate Dustin
Good interview Dustin. Joel does a good job, but I’d like to see Kevin Boer try a few. He did a fabulous job at Inman Connect.
Jillayne, Rhonda and Ardell… Thanks so much for the positive feedback!
Dustin ~
Great interview, but you need to crank up the enthusiasm
How ya doin?
Doing really good Phil… Although it looks like I’m going to spend a bit too much of this afternoon preparing for a talk I’m giving in SJ tomorrow. If I get a little break, I’ll post a blog entry about it…