I Have a Crush on Paul Krugman

I have a crush on Dr. Paul Krugman, Professor of Economics at Princeton.  He recently received the Nobel Prize in Economics for his new theory on trade patterns and location of economic activity. Dr. Krugman is also an author and editor of about 20 books.  My new copy of The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 just arrived. Sigh.  I’m not the only reading his blog in the New York Times telling us what to do to avoid the next Depression. Now the media has caught up with Dr. Krugman and I can watch countless videos on youtube. Yes, yes, I know he’s married. That’s what makes it such a safe crush: Because it will never happen. It’s like having a crush on Bono or CR

I wait patiently each day to read such lines as “What we’re looking at now are the consequences of a world gone Madoff.

26 thoughts on “I Have a Crush on Paul Krugman

  1. Hi jakes,

    I’ve learned so much from the economists during 2007-08 it’s hard not to love them all. I love it when they disagree with each other and then tell us why.

    My pediatrician’s son is changing his major to Econ. It’s a great time to revisit all the fundamentals and if we can attract some great thinkers to the profession, all the better. Twenty years from now, I wonder if the Nobel Prize winners in econ will be referencing today’s economists as their mentors. I wonder what they’ll say about Bernanke and Geithner’s Hail Mary pass.

  2. Hi jakes,

    I’ve learned so much from the economists during 2007-08 it’s hard not to love them all. I love it when they disagree with each other and then tell us why.

    My pediatrician’s son is changing his major to Econ. It’s a great time to revisit all the fundamentals and if we can attract some great thinkers to the profession, all the better. Twenty years from now, I wonder if the Nobel Prize winners in econ will be referencing today’s economists as their mentors. I wonder what they’ll say about Bernanke and Geithner’s Hail Mary pass.

  3. LOL…You can get stucco…I can’t believe that joke is so old! Great post Jillayne…you can tell a lot about a person by “the company they keep”.

  4. Aaah, and I thought it was just me…..

    I have been reading PK since shortly after I first discovered the internet.

    Can’t even remember how I found his work, but I couldn’t help reading his Slate columns (pre-NYT), and eagerly awaited each new entry.


    This column from Slate was my long time favorite (Rat Democracy), and tells everything the average person needs to know about how our government works for the benefit of focused special interests, and not in the general public’s interest, without demonizing either the voters or the special interest groups.

    Best line?

    “…if you take rat choice seriously, you stop asking why democracy works so badly and start asking why it works at all.”

    Thanks for bringing this writer to RCG attention.

    A good place to read lots more PK is here


  5. Pingback: Robert Shiller Coming to SPU | Rain City Guide

  6. Pingback: The Back Forty » Is there a Paul Krugman Fan Club?

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