Bellevue is #21 of the top 100 best (smaller) cities to live in around the Country . What’s up with the “Biggest Employers” section though? U-Dub #1 at 25,000, Microsoft not listed?
How many employees DOES Microsoft have working on the Eastside?
Bellevue is #21 of the top 100 best (smaller) cities to live in around the Country . What’s up with the “Biggest Employers” section though? U-Dub #1 at 25,000, Microsoft not listed?
How many employees DOES Microsoft have working on the Eastside?
MS has over 30,000 employees in the Puget Sound area.
Source: Microsoft Visitor Center Information.
Of that amount, I’d suspect they probably have 25,000 in Redmond, 1,500 in Issaquah & 1,500 in Bellevue (educated guess).
MS has over 30,000 employees in the Puget Sound area.
Source: Microsoft Visitor Center Information.
Of that amount, I’d suspect they probably have 25,000 in Redmond, 1,500 in Issaquah & 1,500 in Bellevue (educated guess).
You can also see Microsoft’s “Fast Facts” web page for more info.
60,000+ total employees
40,000+ in the US
30,000+ in Puget Sound
Seems odd that Money would completely miss Microsoft as an area employer. Thank you both for for the resources in you comments.
Let’s not forget that the Microsoft machine also drives a large number of jobs through their vendor (v-staff) and agency relationships (a-staff) in addition to all the blue badges (direct Microsoft employee). And we all thought it was big when I left at ~3500 employees.