The Last Word

[photopress:Sichelman.jpg,full,alignright]”Lew Sichelman reports on the national housing scene from his Washington, D.C. base. A past President and Director of the National Association of Real Estate Editors, he has been the recipient of numerous journalism awards, and his weekly column on housing is syndicated in more than 150 newspapers throughout the U.S.”

Every once in a while, Lew includes some quotes from agents that end up in articles across the nation. I get calls from Seattle or Washington, or L.A. from people I know, thinking I was interviewed by that particular newspaper. So I show an explanation above as to why this article regarding commission issues, might appear in many papers around the Country.

Two paragraphs and the last word…thanks, Lew. Lew’s a good guy. I’ve never had problems with his quoting me in the past. My married name was a lot easier for him to spell. Lew, you shouldn’t separate the Della from the Loggia, or people may think I’m the illigitimate daughter of Robert 🙂

This was the last line of the quote before it was cut to fit the article: “It’s a business, look at the money and stop crying about percentages is what I say.”

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ARDELL is a Managing Broker with Better Properties METRO King County. ARDELL was named one of the Most Influential Real Estate Bloggers in the U.S. by Inman News and has 34+ years experience in Real Estate up and down both Coasts, representing both buyers and sellers of homes in Seattle and on The Eastside. email: cell: 206-910-1000

4 thoughts on “The Last Word

  1. Jack up the fee to Discount it back?

    I just had a thought, looking at Inman’s umpteenth ad for that book on commisssions that costs $500 with “The Price Going UP in Two Days!” (if anyone bought that…any comments?)

    Anyway, Lew’s article that was in papers around the Country hinted that fees may increase, as other articles are starting to claim as well.

    Maybe the industry goal is to Jack Fees up to 8% so EVERYONE can be a DISCOUNTER…back to…you got it…6% with a 2% discount! LOL Wouldn’t that be funny…NOT.

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