Photo Friday: Understanding Place

Continuing on my adventure of trying out different themes each day, I thought I’d try a multi-media Friday…

And zefrank leads us off with an interesting video about place and context via a tour of Vegas:

Athol continues on his quest to collect the worst of MLS photos… This photo highlighting the photographers thumb is a classic!

Let the hype begin… Where will you be at 7pm on Sunday?

I created a photo group on Flickr. My idea with the group is that bloggers could/would post group photos from events, seminars, and/or meetups. I added all the relevant photos from my Flickr stream and would love to see some others get involved! (Just ask for an invite!). I plan to continue to add photos of the different events I attend (and host) and would love to see others… (Photos from the upcoming Sellsius duo’s cross-country trip come to mind!).

Beignets at Cafe Du Monde, originally uploaded by tyrsdomain.

(signing up for the group should be easy enough (you’ll need a free yahoo account), but this is the first time I’ve set up a Flickr group. I’d be curious to know if you’re having any issues with the process!)

A chateau in Texas?… Yours for just under $60M (via Luxist)


4 thoughts on “Photo Friday: Understanding Place

  1. Dustin on the left, looks like Washburn on the right. I’d ask who the guy is in the middle, but I’ve been on a diet for a week, so what is that fabulous pastry you guys are not eating?

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