Today is Rain City Guide’s 4th Birthday!
When I hit submit on our Hello World post 4 years ago, I had no idea what I was embarking on… but what a fun journey it’s been. You’ll have given me so many chance to test out different tools, meet so many interesting people and take part in so many fabulous discussions. Thank you!
By the time we were 1 year old, I was savvy enough in the ways of linking to get the site ranked for having the sexiest real estate agents. Since then, I’ve tried to remain thankful to the RCG community and my family…
This year, I want to continue the tradition by saying thanks to all of you that make RCG possible! You’all rock! 😉
And just to give you an idea of how RCG continues to rock the real estate world, I’ll end this post with a chart showing RCG’s growth since Feb ’06 (when I first started using Google Analytics). While the growth is no longer “exponential”, I don’t feel like I’m going out on a limb when I say there is no other local blog written by real estate professionals that generates nearly this much traffic! Interesting, traffic to the site continues to grow and last month we broke the broke the 100K PV benchmark for the first time! Obviously, none of this would be possible without so many awesome contributors and such an active real estate community in Seattle!
Thank you all!
…and so many passionate comments from our readers!
yes, yes, yes… that’s what I was thinking when I highlighted “an active real estate community”, but I definitely should have been more clear! 😉
And so humble too:^)
cautious buyer: there’s definitely a time to be humble and a time to be acknowledge all that we’ve accomplished… Your participation in the community is not only appreciated but part of what has allowed RCG to remain an informative source of information for so many. Thank you so much!
Wholly cow. That is a ton on pageviews. When the content is this god, that’s what you get. Congratulations and I hope to be back to help that page view rank!!!.
Congratulations and thanks to the whole Rain City crew for forging the way in Real Estate blogging. Cheers!
Congrats guys! We celebrated our 4th anniversary blogging last week! Its a great accomplishment, and you’ve done it in style and with grace. Here’s to another 4 years of success!
Josh & all of!
Todd: Thank you much… although I assume you mean our content is good… pretty sure the “god” label doesn’t apply to anything we’re doing! 😉
Brad and Joshua: You guys rock! Thanks so much for the kind words!
Wow…4 years old. Congrats RCG and Dustin. I love being a part of this blog–every aspect from having a place to write my views to reading fellow contributors’ articles and participating in conversations with commenters. I think Rain City Guide is a very special blog. 🙂
Todd, you got me thinking more about traffic and I thought everyone might appreciate a graphic I often use in my presentations that shows RCG traffic growth over the years. Here’s the graph (JUST updated to include Feb ’09 numbers):
This shows two interesting things:
1) RCG traffic growth (only measured each once a year in February in order to account for seasonal changes), has been extremely consistent.
2) Traffic growth to posts other than the most “February” posts has always grown pretty substantially. In other words, while our existing posts continue to drive traffic and slightly increasing traffic each year, it’s our “old” posts that account for a vast majority of the “new” traffic to RCG.
Granted, I don’t think we’d get nearly as much traffic to our “old” posts if we didn’t continue to keep the site up-to-date and interesting, but I think it’s indicative of how important consistent contributions are to long-term growth of a real estate blog…
Happy Birthday, Dustin. It’s been a wild ride that certainly changed my world for the better. Most importantly, we have formed long standing ties with one another and a number of our readers. In many ways RCG has been like my Seattle Family.
Happy 4th Birthday…and many, many more to come.
I only discovered Rain City Guide a month or so ago. My welcome to what’s been basically a Real Estate Agents’s Blog has been gratifying. I hope to add a long-time residential architect’s viewpoint to the “dialogue” of the many (mostly polite) practioners adding to each other’s professional skillsets. Happy Birthday- may many more follow. Jerry-
Congrats Dustin and all – amazing accomplishment!
Hi Dustin and Happy 4th Birthday to Rain City Guide (+ 2 days!) Woo Hoo!
You have certainly created a wonderful, “neighborhood pub” where anyone in the community (i.e., everyone who drops by!) is made welcome and encouraged to join in the conversation.
Thank you, the other contributors, commentors, and vistors for making RGC a place to come, “sit down at the bar”, be welcomed and join in the conversation!
Real Estate (and other peripheral topics!) is certainly a facinating, and engaging subject.
Happy Birthday Rain City Guide!
Congrats Dustin and RCG. It’s no secret that you led the way for the real estate blogging community/industry. Thanks for your consistency, leadership, culture and innovation.
Keep on keepin’ on.
Jim: You Rock! 🙂 Thanks for the compliments… You’ve created one of the few sites I’ve always turned to when I was to show off what a local real estate blog can be… so thank you for your inspiration!
Happy Belated Blogiversary!
Sorry I missed the big day, was at a conference in Colorado Springs.
I’m forever in debt to you Dustin and RCG, as you provided me with an example and guidance. You set the bar four years ago and you keep raising it. Thanks.
Congratulations on all of your success!
4 years, pretty sweet! Congrats! Here is to another 4 years 🙂
Congratulations on your success, and I need to do a lot of catch up work. You guys are off to grad school and I’m enrolling as a freshman… good thing I took some AP classes. Promise to keep learning, thanks!