Riding the OC Wave…

I took a drive last night to meet up with the fine folks at Sellsius and more than a few others at the Rooftop Bar of La Casa del Camino in Laguna Beach. What an awesome spot with an amazing view (unfortunately, I arrived at the bar a little late for getting good photos from the deck and instead you’ll have to suffice with this photo taken directly below the bar to get an idea:


I captured some of the people who showed up in this photo:
(Back row: Laurie Manny of Long Beach, Kaye Thomas of Beach City, Heather, Rory Siems of Laguna Niguel, Joe Ferrara of Sellsius, and myself. Front row: Brian Brady of Amarica’s Most Opinionated Mortgage Broker and Rudy Bachraty of Sellsius)

Some others who showed up (but didn’t make the above photo) included Sarah Washburn of ActiveRain, Tisza Major-Posner of Route66, Loren Nason of Real Estate Technology, Kelly Kilpatricks of Rancho Santa Margarita and Morgan Brown of Blown Mortgage.

I’m a bit late to the game in that most everyone else has covered the event… Suffice to say, I had a blast and heard a ton of great stories! So many of the people in attendance have been living in breathing the RE.net for a while now that they were able to get me back up to speed with all kinds of juicy stories.

Thanks again to the Sellsius boys for organizing the event.

BTW, I’ve added a few more photos from this event on Flickr . 🙂

34 thoughts on “Riding the OC Wave…

  1. Pingback: Sellsius Surfs with Real Estate Bloggers in Laguna Beach

  2. Kaye and Morgan,
    It was great meeting up with you guys as well!

    And Rhonda, without a doubt I’ll give notice before I return to Seattle… Hopefully it will be sooner than later because it is definitely time for another Rain City meetup! 🙂

  3. I’d love to go to a CA beach. I’m in FL, so I’m used to beaches, but CA’s just look better. i was in North CA on the PCH and pulled over to see the coast, but I was so high, I couldn’t get a good feel for it. Love the cliffs, and bigger surf there (could do without the great whites).

  4. Holy Moly, Joe. You were in California surrounded by folks in flowered shirts and shorts… but you are still wearing a sport coat. It’s California!! At least you are enjoying a Corona in that photo.

  5. Hey Dustin, I just had lunch with Greg Perry. He’d like to see a Seattle/Bellevue (or Puget Sound) real estate blog round up!

    I told him we’d need to wait for you to appear in Seattle. 😉

  6. Hi Dustin,

    I am sorry for the delay in responding here. I am also pleased to say that this is my very first post to RCG. Thank you again for everything.

    I was thrilled to be able to introduce you to my husband Mel. I am quite sure that he was beginning to think you were a figment of my blogging imagination. I can hardly wait for another get together and may need to throw one myself just because…

    Take care, help lots of people and have a wonderful day,


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