One day every pothole will get its moment in the limelight

I think the running joke about blogs a couple of years ago was that belly button lint blogging was why most blogs would forever remain niche-y and unread. Today much of the “fantastical” thinking about locally-focussed blogs is that citizen journalists will report on everything (everything!) happening in their neighborhoods. When they look up from their navels, the online future gazers say (actually they blog) that we’ll all be served better local news by a cadre of unpaid neighbors noticing things in front of their houses and doing a little snooping. I tended to sneer at this concept until today, when I read every word of this blog post about a pothole in my neighborhood. Yes. A pothole.

Perhaps citizen journalism does have a place…

10 thoughts on “One day every pothole will get its moment in the limelight

  1. What my DC-based personal humor blog has to do with Seattle real estate is beyond me.

    But thanks for teaching me the term belly button lint blogging. I’m probably wrong, but I’m going to take it as a compliment.

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