I’m a volunteer on the planning committee for the next Seattle Real Estate BarCamp and I’m amazed at how many events being planned for real estate professionals in March…it’s borderline madness!
Here are a couple that I’m aware of:
March 2, 2011 – Northwest Video Marketing Summit brought to you by Frank Garay and Brian Stevens of TBWS fame. Cost is $100 and you’ll leave the day long event at the Seattle Center with your own video blog. Follow on Twitter: #vmssea
March 3, 2011 – Seattle RE BarCamp takes place at the Seattle Center Northwest Rooms (same location as last year). RE BarCamp is a FREE event where the real estate industry can come together to learn from each other (social media, tech, trends, etc.). It is NOT intended to be a “class room” with instructors. It’s an “un-conference” where participation from attendees is required. The agenda is determined the morning of the event based on what is suggested by the participants. If you’re wanting to be taught and not comfortable with the BarCamp format, you might want to consider other events. Twitter: #rebcsea
March 9, 2001 – Agent Reboot at the Washington State Convention Center. This is more of a sit down and learn type program with a set schedule of what will be taught. Cost is $49 if you pre-register.
March 15 -17, 2001 – Real Estate Coach Tom Ferry will be at the Meydenbauer Center. Cost $197.
Am I missing anything?