Taking on KING/KONG…

Yesterday I was interviewed by a KING-5 reporter, Kim Holcomb, and which I had written about on my blog at this post.  I had jokingly referred to taking on King Kong but only because the news segment was shown on KING-5 and KONG-6 last night.

King Kong

The news story was about how the market here is changing just a bit to more of a stabilized market.  At the beginning of the report a seller talks about it being a “buyer’s market” but I wouldn’t necessarily agree with him completely.  We’ve still got room to move before that happens and if anything we’re more balanced than the past 5 years.  The segment did run on both KING and KONG stations and, from what my business partner tells me, it is one of the most viewed and forwarded links from the KING-5 website today.  Here is a link the actual news story about the Seattle real estate marketplace along with pieces of my interview.

It seems we’re (Team Reba) getting a lot of press lately.  I was interviewed in July for a story on blogging for the RE/MAX Times back in July (released in September) and just last week I was interviewed for a real estate investment magazine which will be printed in the November/December time frame.  Now, if I could just get the interviewers to pronounce my name correctly…. 🙂

No Bubbles Bursting – It was only August

[photopress:august.jpg,full,alignright]I can’t give an official report with stats until September’s sales are closed, but based on my experience out there in the trenches…It was only August! aka “The Dog days of Summer”

Even the Open House I held on Sunday was sold to a fella who walked in and said, “I was looking before, but I took August off!” August has long been known as “Agent Takes Vacation Month”. At one point in August, 4 of the 5 things I was trying to put together had the other agent “leaving for vacation tomorrow”, “calling you from Canada”, “calling all weekend from some road trip”, and other such voice messages. “Leaving for vacation tomorrow” did come together and closed by month end 🙂

This last week, begininning Tuesday after the holiday, has been gangbusters with some very surprising bidding wars going on. Of course the ink isn’t dry on that one, but it’s a great story when it’s over. Some record high prices.

So NO BUBBLES BURSTING. It was only August…again, here in the Seattle area.