There are a ton of great Seattle real estate events in the near future with RCG contributors playing a huge part, so last week I asked RCG contributors to let me know which events they were going to be participating in and I thought I’d give a quick summary…
REBarCamp Seattle, 9/8 (tomorrow!):
- A gathering of passionate real estate professionals. A casual, open, and fun way to learn about cutting edge real estate marketing ideas.
- RCG Contributors attending include: Rhonda Porter, Ardell DellaLoggia, Galen Ward, and Cortney Cooper
SCKAR Event, 9/22:
- How how to use Social Media panel discussion with Rhona Porter, David Gibbons and Matt Heinz. Moderated by Claudia Wicks.
Lenders Connect (WAMP), 10/5:
- 18th Annual wholesale lenders conference
- Rhona Porter, Jillayne Schlicke (speaker)
REbarcamp Bellevue, 10/6:
- Rhonda Porter (organizer!), Ardell DellaLoggia
Washington State Association of Realtors Convention, 10/12 & 10/13:
- Jillayne Schlicke (speaker)
Also, if you check out the event conversation on FB, you’ll see that there’s also a variety of courses being taught by RCG contributors in the near future!
And If you’re gonna be at any of these events, let us know to look out for you!