ARDELL is a Managing Broker with Better Properties METRO King County. ARDELL was named one of the Most Influential Real Estate Bloggers in the U.S. by Inman News and has 34+ years experience in Real Estate up and down both Coasts, representing both buyers and sellers of homes in Seattle and on The Eastside. email: ardelld@gmail.com cell: 206-910-1000

Do you need a “fancy” Flyer to SELL a house?

Real Estate, cost of doing business, is often blamed for why “we” need higher and highest Real Estate Commission levels. As a follow up to my previous post I will tell you what I am NOT “good at”. That should make Craig happy. 🙂

I am not good at Bullshit! I seriously am just not good at “flowery language” to describe homes I list for sale. Never was, and will never be, my forte. If you have ever seen over the top flowery language on one of my listings in 21 years…the seller of the house must have written it, because I am sorely lacking in that “talent”.

I am very good at making “the product” the best it can be before it hits the market. I am better at “staging it to sell” than a stager, because I use staging to highlight the home’s best features. I am not “decorating” the home. I am putting up signals to the home’s features. BIG DIFFERENCE that I can’t seem to explain to “home stagers”.

The staging follows the Home Flyer pattern as to Best Features of the home.

When Making a Flyer I start with a list of why someone would or should buy THIS house vs the others that are for sale of like-kind home style. This home happens to be a “split entry”. So I look at it in relation to other Split Entry homes for sale within a half mile or so. Distance is not the key as much as having enough comparison product. If I can get that within .25 miles…that may be all I need. If I have to go out a full mile, then that is what I need. I want at least 3 to 5 On Market similar homes to use as a benchmark.

Here is the list of my “competition” for this particular home and product. Since it is now listed, the 2nd one on the list is actually this property. There were two others on market when I was preparing the listing and working through this process that are now pending. One was listed at $254,000 and the other for $267,000, leaving mine positioned as 2nd in “the pack” with the bank-owned as 1st, as it should be. We are “ahead of the pack” but not as low as the bank-owned home. That is “correct placement”.

Here is The Home Flyer:

Todd Flyer Picture of

As you can see from the flyer, I totally suck at “flowery language”. No words like “oasis” or “vista” or “exceptional” or “stellar”…just the facts. I’m very Jack “just the Facts M’am” Webb in that regard. A shortcoming, yes…but just how it is.

I had to re-design as in “downgrade” this flyer template to a one page, one sided, Flyer. I was using that fancy 11 X 17 folder over 4 page $3.00 apiece style flyer for awhile…and reverted back to this simple flyer as has been my long time custom. They cost $.39 apiece to print over at MinuteMan Press. They don’t bleed and sweat and run as to the ink like the ones I might print myself on an inkjet printer.

I pay for the “upgraded never ending flyer box” so one can be in the box at all times, even if people take them all, as one sits in the plastic cover in the front so people can see it even if the flyers are “out”. I think that costs an extra $2.00 for the life of the listing. 🙂 The sign up and down costs about $60 or so. One fee up front for both sign up and sign down. I paid a little extra for the Open Sunday 1-4 Rider to go up with the sign, vs my placing it there myself, so that it was an immediate announcement.

I do two Open Houses two Sundays in a row, back to back, and put it on the flyer.

Often the picture of the front of the house is NOT on the flyer, as noted above, as the person holding the flyer from the flyer box is usually standing IN FRONT of the house. He can SEE the front of the house and nothing else. So if I have room for 6 pictures, I want him to see the key selling points that he can not see from where he is standing.

The #1 feature of this house vs the newer homes in the area is the lot size, the big yard, the privacy trees, and the outdoor deck. These are the things WE have that the new, slightly pricier, zero lot line houses do not have. So I have devoted HALF of the photos to that aspect of the home that they cannot see when standing out front.

Back to staging for a second.

That is also why I removed some of the curtains, most all on the back of the house, and decorated “sparingly” so the eye would be drawn OUT to our best feature

vs IN to some overly nice furniture.

I am drawing the eye to the best feature when staging…NOT “decorating” a house.

Next of note as to FEATURES we have that the others in the lower price range and some in the higher price range in the list in the link above do not have is a NEWER ROOF and all NEWER WINDOWS. Pricey improvements for a buyer to make after purchase if they buy the other house that needs all new windows and a new roof.

So THAT is the number one item (both included) on the flyer below the price.

Back to Staging. I have NO curtains so you can see the full framing of the newer windows and sliding glass door as curtains are “prettier” but curtains cost ten bucks and new windows and sliding doors cost $4,000 bucks or so. So I want you to see the windows…NOT the “pretty curtains”.

You see how “staging” follows the Flyer as to Key Selling Points of the home. The staging highlights those features…it does not “decorate” the home. It UNVEILS the best Real Estate FEATURES of that home. You are not buying “the pretty furniture”.

Yes a cute rug would be pretty in the living room, but I am selling the hardwood floor, not a pretty area rug.

So there’s my weakness…I can’t talk about “Welcome home to your OASIS close to Freeway Access”. I don’t know if this should be YOUR home or not and I don’t know if you need an “OASIS” to run off to after work. I don’t know you at all. You are someone holding a flyer whom I will likely never meet.

I don’t want to tell you WHY YOU should or should not buy this house. I just want to talk about the house and it’s features, and make it easy to SEE those features if you come inside the home.

It’s my shortcoming…and I really don’t know what to do about it. But most of my listings sell in less than 90 days when I do this well, so I’m going back to doing THIS as I do it best. Blunt…straightforward, no flowery language.

Do Fancy Flyers with Flowery Language sell homes? I don’t know. You tell me.

Why Agents Are Better than Lawyers

Craig’s written a few posts about Why Lawyers are better than Real Estate Agents. Seriously?
Are you KIDDING me???
I usually don’t post before pictures of my listings, but this seller gave me permission to do so.

People don’t know what we do. because it is PERSONAL. What we do for our clients is never known until someone who thinks this business is EASY walks a mile in our shoes. THIS is what I do BEFORE I even START! The Listing won’t even be in the MLS until Wednesday.

I clearly EARN every penny I make, and not ONE of my clients have ever disputed that. I have never had a client who thought I “made too much” when representing them either in a purchase OR a sale in 21 Freaking YEARS!

Every day (and today on my most recent post) someone says agents do NOTHING.

Well I don’t call THIS nothing. It took day after day and many hours. Because I can’t “market” a home until I have a home “to market”. This is a $250,000 house and I am only charging 2% (because it is a 2X past client).

If you hired an agent who did NOTHING…
well, come on guys, whose fault is THAT?!?



AFTER – Not finished yet,

have another full day tomorrow.

NO…this is not a vacant home…This is what it looks like today before it is finished.




Even staging the Linen Closet, the kitchen cabinets, the patio set out on the deck…you name it. Closets…anything a buyer will open and look inside.

And then some PISSANT will come along with a “Bad MLS Photo” post and complain that the light fixture is reflecting in the sliding glass door.

Don’t get me wrong…the seller is working his fingers to the bone too! This kind of transformation does not take ONLY one person. But I even personally, hand made the wall hanging in the dining room. I didn’t have anything “in stock” that was quite right and I wanted the largest 42″ X 42″ piece. I had this one:


But I wanted a “mid-century modern” feel, so I went to the cloth store and covered it with this:


And then I made a “Companion Piece” in cloth of the same colors and different design, and found the “starburst” mirror for over the fireplace that matched the circles in the cloth in the larger cloth covered.


If you are an agent who runs in with your cell phone and takes a quick picture of the open toilet and toilet paper…THIS is what we DO or “cause to happen” and WHY we make “the big bucks”.

And oh…


I didn’t see any LAWYERS in Joann Fabrics on 4th of July Weekend.

If you are one of my other clients over the last week or two who thought I looked a little tired…this is why. 🙂 A VERY rewarding business…and there is NO END to what “we” DO!

We do whatever it takes to have a successful client.

Which Tattoo Should I get? Pink Pony? Cheerleader?

My daughter, Andrea Revenant of 3rd Street Tattoo in Hermosa Beach CA, is having their Grand Opening Party today. The Federal Appeals Court has ruled that Tattoo’s are protected under Free Speech and that has opened the door for her to work in her current “hometown” of Hermosa Beach. I’m very happy about that.

Andrea Revenant

Andrea will “design” the final tattoo, so we’re only looking for general ideas here. I have NO tattoos, but when your daughter is an “artist” you should wear her “art work”. Or so I say. 🙂

#1 PINK PONY of Seattle Bubble plus Rainbow.

pink pony

#2 Cheerleader (aka Real Estate Broker)


#3 AskARDELL.com


I may add more before I fly down to L.A., and I will get Andrea’s input and she may send some sketches to replace the ones above before then.

But what say you? Have a favorite or a new suggestion?

Where will the Tattoo be? In a place that is visible but also in the least painful place to get one. Not sure about the pain factor. Will be getting some input on that as well.

As always, your help appreciated.

Something EVERY home buyer needs to know BEFORE they step on an Owner’s Property.

looking in houseBefore you look at even ONE house, from IN or even ON an owner’s property, you need to understand the basic framework put into place before the home was listed for sale.

A “For Sale” sign is not a “license to trespass” on someone else’s property.

You are basically walking into the middle of a commission structure AND instruction for your being able “to see it” structure, that is already in place. This arrangement was set BEFORE it was listed for sale by the owner of the property, and that owner’s agreement with “the mls system” and his agent, before the For Sale sign was put in front of the house.

It is something you must comply with, and so something you need to FULLY understand BEFORE you step on or in someone’s private property.

This is true when you walk into any home that is for sale AND listed via an mls system. You do not have permission to go on or in  an owner’s private property, except via the owner’s permission or via an agent who is a member of the mls system. That includes opening the owner’s gate and going in their yard and peeking in their windows. There is no entitlement to trespass on an owner’s property just because it is “for sale”. Some think if a property is vacant and there is a For Sale sign out front, that gives them the “right” to trespass on the property and peek in the windows. It does not.

Without permission from someone with the authority to give you that permission…that is called trespassing. Those with the authority to give you that permission to step ON or IN an owner’s property, do not do that “for free”. You should not be going in or on someone’s property without understanding that you are paying for that privelege by doing so, as the structure to pay someone to let you on or in is already in place via the seller so that you CAN see it. You can’t ask to be on the owner’s property and then try to DICTATE that the seller CAN’T pay the person who provided that access for you.

That is not a FREE “service” and the seller has already promised to pay someone to afford you the opportunity to be on and in his property.

Below is a comment I made on Craig’s post to assist him in knowing what he can and cannot “promise” to give away.

If and when a Buyer includes a portion of “Do It Yourself – DIY” into the scenario to “save money”, they must do so without the “use” of agents…be that the Seller’s Agent or a Buyer’s Agent. Doing some of it YOURSELF…must be YOURSELF and not yourself in the room with an agent whom you do not plan to use to represent you in a real estate transaction.

IF you plan to use an Alternative Business Model or Traditional Agent who will PAY you for the portion you choose to handle “by yourself”, you need to hire them in advance of seeing any home. You also need to be certain that the portion of “rebate” you are looking to get is for work that YOU did with no agent contact whatsoever, outside of the agent you hire to represent you.

Below is the reason WHY, and also my response to Craig who asked the question in the Rain City Guide post previous to this one. Below is my comment, in response to his quandary, in its entirety.

“Let’s assume for a minute that there is a 6% commission set by the seller to his purpose of selling his home, of which the original referring agent (the Listing Agent) and the “Procuring Cause

Yield Spread – A Novel

yield spreadYield Spread is a novel written by Roger Rheinheimer, who in addition to being a full time lender in Port Angeles is the highly acclaimed author of Amish Snow, now in its Second Edition.

His new book, Yield Spread,  is about “a man you’ll love to hate, JP Mallot, and the forces that enabled and even condoned his behavior and its bitter consequences.

Mortgage Rates – A “volatile” market this month

Interest rates have been very volatile in June. This Poll Post on Seattle Bubble and the chart below are a good reminder that interest rates were at 5.5% in the Summer of 2009 and at or above 6% quite a few times in 2007 and 2008.

I thought you might find this chart of where interest rates have been for the last 40 years of interest. I borrowed it, with permission, from my friend Jay Thompson’s blog.

Personally I think they will run between 4.5% and 5.5%, but that’s a pretty big spread for people looking at homes to buy. A 1 point spread on a $417,000 conforming loan is $255 a month.


Of more concern to me is the variance in Real Estate Taxes from one property to the next.

When you get pre-approved, make sure you know what payment vs Purchase Price you are being approved for, and what assumptions are being made as to Taxes and Insurance.

I looked at the 30 homes sold in King County for $500,000 in the last 6 months, and the range of Annual Real Estate Tax went from $3,600 on the low side, to $8,000 on the high side. HUGE SPREAD. The Real Estate Taxes could easily turn your pre-approval into a Failed Pending Sale.

Be sure to know the underlying basis of your pre-approval, and make adjustments as needed from one house to the next. If it’s a super-deal, the taxes may be out of proportion to the sold price.

Redmond – Home Prices UP 12% YOY?

Median Home Prices get pulled on a monthly YOY basis by some interesting influences. About a week ago I did a post on King County non-distressed property being up 6% YOY.

In these stats, I am NOT excluding short sales and bank owned property from the mix.

Stands to reason if the better properties are selling quickly with multiple offers, that prices are NOT falling in the places where Supply and Demand factors are tipping toward more Demand than Supply. And if overall we are seeing 6% UP for non-distressed property, then some places must be UP OVER 6% for the net result to be 6%.

To find who went up more than the 6% average, I used Redmond 98052. It generally has a higher appreciation level than most of King County AND has little influence of short sales and bank owned property AND it has negligible influence of super inflated land values created by water view considerations. In other words, Redmond 98052 is “close in”, good “commute to” but no major snob factor or “value is in the land” considerations. In fact the lowest priced home sold in May of 2011 in Redmond 98052 was a great little house, and not a tear down at all.

The Median Home Price influence in Redmond 98052 is you need to separate NEW(er) homes from older homes, as the mix skews the median, as noted in the chart below.

graph (6)

The variance in the overall GREEN LINE median has more to do with the mix of new(er) construction vs homes built in 1999 or before. If you remove the undue influence of NEW HOME mix, you can see the true area appreciation and depreciation levels. Again, short sale and bank owned homes do not influence the median prices in Redmond. Even though they doubled from May 2010 to May 2011, they only went up from 3 of them to 6 of them.

Of MORE relevance is the New House/Old House mix than even overall volume changes.

Also, it’s my recollection that the big jump in 2005 may have had more to do with Microsoft hiring a lot of people all at once, vs the influence of the Credit Bubble.

That supports the flat pricing from May 2003 to May 2004 and the huge upswing in 2005. The upswing in the Green vs Blue line is about New Construction, mostly up on Education Hill,  which continued to pull the blue line away from the green line for years thereafter, until 2010 when more people bought older homes than new ones.  But NOT in 2005, as the older homes appreciated to the same degree as the new home premium. Same in 2006. Both older and new homes showed a price increase of 20% in 2005 and 25% in 2006. So the upswing was fairly uniform in those two years due to local hirings more than loose lending issues.

The swing in the peak on the Green Line in 2009 was because new(er) homes represented a full 63% of all homes sold that month. Likewise the dip in the Green Line in 2010 was the contrast of only 32% being new(er) homes in the sale mix. In 2011, new(er) homes were 28% of all sales, even less than 2010. So of no influence on the upswing reported.

Since homes built before 1999 did not change YOY as to type and size over the period from 2003 to 2011, the change in price is less influenced by things other than Supply and Demand.

I think the 12% increase is a bit insane and likely not sustainable, and may be a FLUKE of May 2011. BUT it does support my previous post that 6% UP for King County matches the story that decent homes in good places are hard to come by AND on the upswing price-wise.

Common sense tells us that the media reports that Supply is higher than Demand, creating bidding wars, BUT “prices are down”, makes no sense whatsoever. Much more credible that where these multiple offer situations are actually happening, prices are indeed up, and to a large degree.


Required Disclosure: Stats in the graph and post are not published, verified or compiled by The Northwest Multiple Listing Service.

Why are so many Pending Sales failing?

There is a rumor that they are all failing because the buyer cannot finance the purchase. The reality is that is RARELY the actual reason, but sellers and seller’s agents DO like to blame the buyer’s ability to finance, even when that is not the case. Always better for it to be “the other guy’s fault” when asked:

“Why did the sale fail?”

The reality is it may have been the way the OFFER was structured, that caused it to fail.

Some offers are doomed to fail from the getgo.

Relying entirely on the Home Inspection, without adequately addressing the likely outcome in advance at time of offer, often causes a sale to fail. Some like to think “writing an offer” is only about “filling in the blanks”. HOW you fill in those blanks requires some skills of prediction and anticipation of outcome.

It’s important to make your offer with a rough expectation as to major repairs needed, as rarely can a home inspection resolve items costing in excess of 1% to 2% of the value of the home.

IF you have already taken the max credit toward your closings costs in your offer…

the Home Inspection negotiation becomes near impossible.

The Roof is often the “deal breaker” in many home inspection negotiations, because it has a known life expectancy and is one of the most expensive “fixes” that might be needed at time of sale.

Notice I did not say “one of the most expensive fixes that might be needed” 

A “good” offer anticipates outcome. RARELY is the fact that the home needs a new roof something that can’t be anticipated at time of offer. Whether or not you allow for a new roof to be part of the asking price, depends on a few things.

It’s pretty darned obvious that the house in the photo above needs a new roof. You shouldn’t need a Home Inspector to tell you that.

BEFORE making an offer on this house, you need to anticipate the cost of a new roof,

so you can prepare your offer with a known and reasonable outcome in mind.


As you can see from the Zoomed In photo above, the cost of the new roof needs to include some pretty hefty repairs. The support for the roof is splitting and the roof is sagging.

Just sticking on some new shingles is NOT the only remedy for this roof.

You can guesstimate the cost of the shingle job by knowing the largest floor footprint from the County Records. It may be a 2,500 sf house in the mls. But the main floor footprint usually determines the outer corners of the roof. Is it 980 or 1,200 or 1,750? Once you have the main floor footprint (unless you can see that there is a larger 2nd floor foot print, in which case you would use that) you can show these two photos along with the sf coverage area to most any roofer and get a rough bid. You can email that info to three roofers and ask for a “ballpark” cost. The roofer needs to see the “the pitch” of the roof to determine cost. A higher pitch will need more shingles. Almost NO pitch may mean a shingle roof replacement is not the recommended “fix”.

Before addressing how the offer may be structured,

let’s look at a 2nd example that might have the same cost,

but a completely different remedy and offer process.


Unless you have the hope of turning your home into A Redroof Inn

a buyer of the home above MAY want to put on a shingle roof,

even though the roof may NEVER need to be replaced.

That roof will probably last longer than the house!

BUT…is that a positive?

Given where this house sits, on a quaint tree-lined street In-City where NO other roofs look like this, it’s possible that this “upgrade” may be seen as a “sore-thumb” and a negative…vs a positive.

For House #1 above, let’s say the roof will cost $20,000 to repair and replace. That’s a bit on the high side, but we have to go with the high estimate because of the deferred maintenance issues and things we can’t see, but can reasonably predict with regard to repairs needed beyond the actual roof shingles.

Now let’s talk about SALE FAIL due to BAD OFFER STRATEGY.

IF the buyer has an extra $20,000 to put on a new roof after purchase, AND deducts that amount from the offer price with the intention of putting on a new roof after purchase, the sale can “Fail Due To Financing”. The buyer MAY in fact be willing to buy the house for $20,000 less, and put a 20% downpayment still having the $20,000 needed for the repairs. BUT how likely is it that the Buyer’s LENDER will lend 80% of the cost to purchase after seeing that roof?

So…back to “Sale Failed Due To Buyer Financing Problems”. Was the cause really the fact that the buyer’s lending failed? Or the roof failed to meet the lender’s standard? Was it the buyer…or the house?

The sale failed because the agents failed to anticipate the lender’s response. There are many ways to resolve this type of issue in a real estate transaction. But ignoring the problem or thinking the seller is going to cough up $20,000 to fix the roof at time of inspection, is not realistic.

If the seller HAD $20,000, he likely would have fixed the roof before it got that bad.

The lender usually won’t let you escrow money for repairs to be done after closing. Sometimes, but not often. The best known remedy is to leave the cost of the roof fix in the price at time of offer and calling for a new roof to be put on prior to closing. Usually you can get a roofer to agree to do that and get paid at closing. BUT if it is a bank-owned property or a short sale, it gets a little tricker. Not impossible. But trickier.

In the 2nd example, the roof is perfectly fine. But you would be surprised how many buyers want to discount for what they don’t like or what they want to change, whether there is something wrong with it or not. Leaving THAT to time of inspection is a SALE FAIL. Sometimes the buyer wants the house because of many things and wants the seller to resolve “the roof issue”. Of course the seller paid a pretty penny for that roof and would be furious. So you have to build the offer around the buyer’s desires without involving the seller in the reasoning.

Buyers and sellers do not always agree on what IS a “defect” or what the seller should be expected to do about it.

Setting up a good “end strategy” at the time the offer is written,

is often the best remedy,

and one that will result in a closed transaction vs a Pending Sale failing.

Buying New Construction

One of the most notable minor difficulties when buying new construction, that is a piece of dirt at time of contract, is staying on top of when it will close.

Often the builder requires that the buyer close within X days of “CO”, Certificate of Occupancy. Basically 5 to 10 days from the house being completed is the norm.

BUT often it is hard to pinpoint that in advance without going over and checking where they are every few days. Can the appraiser and lender get their work done in a short time, if they are not notified that the house is almost done?

new construction

Working on one now where the lender scheduled the appraiser to go out yesterday. I just got back and the floorings aren’t done, the toilet’s not in on the main floor, can’t get up the steps as they are carpeting upstairs and have rolls of padding on the steps. The cement truck was ready to pour the driveway, but it looks like rain is coming any second. So not sure how they are going to call that in the next 30 minutes.

If you are a cash buyer…no problem. But when the buyer is financing the home, it’s a tight squeeze to meet the builder’s deadline when the house isn’t ready for the appraiser at the scheduled time.

A common rule of thumb is to start timing from “drywall” to close, as many of the local government inspections have to be done before the drywall covers the plumbing and electrical components.

The house doesn’t look ready for the appraiser and clearly not for the CO. The original completion estimate was “mid June” and we are still hoping to close by June 24.

Amazing how fast the project usually moves at the end. There were three different teams of workers there today.

The cement guys were there.
The “hard surfaces” team was there doing the wood floors with the tile work complete.
The carpet guys…a different team, were there.

When you see 8 to 10 guys all working on different things at the same time…you will be amazed at how much can be done in a day…if it doesn’t rain. That’s a big IF around here. Looking pretty just about to rain at the moment. But…that’s Seattle for you.

I still think the house will be done by the 24th…done in time for the appraisal to be done and the loan docs to be in escrow so as to close on the 24th? Still anybody’s guess. I’ll take a peek on Saturday to see if closing by the end of next week is looking possible. If the DID pour that driveway after I left today, even though it looks like rain, then there’s a strong chance it will close on time for the furniture deliveries. 🙂

New Construction Tip