Get out and vote

There are important land use questions on the Washington ballot this year that will have a measurable effect on real estate: Initiative 933 could mean less regulations (or no land use regulations depending on who you talk to) for you and your neighbors (hope you aren’t a NIMBY). Vote Yes! Vote No!

Note: both of those websites are blowing smoke up your you-know-what: while the initiative could cost taxpayers $1300, it would be spread over many years, just like the $1300-per-person new tunnel through Seattle will be spread out over many years. And Washington State has never prevented anyone from walking on their own land.

I’m going to take off my fairness hat here: Initiative 933 is written in such a disastrous way that it doesn’t matter what you believe about land rights, because the only people who are going to benefit from it are lawyers. We need serious land use reform in Washington State, but Initiative 933 is the wrong way to go about it. Good idea, bad solution.

Zestimates & Seasons Change

[photopress:weather.jpg,thumb,alignright]Well, I’ve been busy putting the finishing touches on Real Property Associates and Preferred Real Estate (registration required and in beta) websites. I’m looking forward to taking some time off from consulting/coding and combining the best aspects of both sites in my next iteration of RCG’s Zearch. (so many cool ideas to implement, so little time). Anyway, if your RSS feeds start to break or things start to appear in Spanish, it’s all my fault. At any rate, if I implement something interesting, I’ll blog about it.

Anyway, it’s been an eventful month while I’ve been too busy to blog. Here’s the month’s highlights for me.

Zillow makes the big time
You know you’ve made it when somebody complains to the government about you or otherwise starts a legal action against you. Greg on the BloodhoundBlog and Joel on the Future of Real Estate Marketing has all the gory details and the play by play action on the NCRC complaint to the FTC regarding Zillow. Frankly, I prefer it when Zestimates are too low. It’s keeps downward pressure on the county assessor’s desire to collect all the property taxes he thinks he’s entitled to. I only want a high Zestimate when I sell the house, when I’m living in it (which the typical case), I want it to be low! Hopefully this will blow over like a winter storm. Besides, nobody complains when the local weather report is 10% off (which has a bigger day to day impact on me than an inaccurate zestimate does). Speaking of which, has anybody else started building their ark yet?

I’ll never trust an integrated NIC again
This past month, marked the 3rd time in the past 2 years that a machine with an integrated NIC (that’s just fancy way of saying the machine’s motherboard that has a built-in network adapter) died or otherwise corrupted Window’s network stack on me. When it happens on a personal machine, it’s very annoying and when it happens on a server with paying customers it’s much worse. Maybe having FIOS at home or running a server is much harder on a NIC, than a cable/DSL is. Whatever the cause, I’m tired of dealing with poorly debugged network cards & drivers. From now on, I’m paying the extra $20-$40 bucks for a stand-alone Intel or 3com network card and I’m only trusting NICs that MS includes drivers for on the Windows CD. (For what’s its worth, it’s seems Linux folks are having similar issues w/ nVidia chip set NICs too, so I know it’s not a case of Windows sucking since every Intel or 3Com NIC I used in the past 6 years hasn’t given me a single minute of grief). Oh well, I just had to vent since that mishap cost me a day of my life, I won’t get back.

Changing of the leaves and the tile servers
John L Scott’s PR folks informed me that their site now has Bird’s Eye images for Portland, OR. The more interesting thing is that MS appears to have updated a lot of their aerial imagery on Virtual Earth recently. If you visit a site that uses the newer Virtual Earth control (such as, you notice that Seattle’s images appear to be have been updated with photography from a fall evening (with better resolution) while the Eastside’s images still appear to be photographed during a summer afternoon.

Perhaps future versions of Microsoft’s & Google’s map offerings will have night/day and seasonal maps/aerial photography? Either way, it’s interesting to see the changing of the map tile servers coincide the changing of the leaves. (regardless if it was intentional or accidental). Speaking of the mapping wars, it’s going to get a lot more interesting tomorrow since MS is releasing a new Virtual Earth control tomorrow.

Real Estate 101 – Improving on "the basics"

[photopress:h.jpg,thumb,alignright]For the last few weeks I’ve set aside Friday mornings to get together with a small group of agents to talk about their Real Estate Business. Not everyone will succeed by the same means, and there are as many different ways to approach this business, as there are people in it. This is the time of year to take a step back and re-evaluate what you have been doing, and take the necessary steps to fix what is broken. This applies not only to each and every individual real estate agent, but companies as well. The times have changed…time to change with them without “throwing away the baby with the bathwater”. I’m going to go back and attempt to improve on the basics. For those who never learned “the basics”, you may find this helpful. For those who know the basics, let’s try to move a step forward together.

Basics: Year one = 12 “things”. I am going to change some traditional principles here, with regard to “things” to expand them from 3 to 4, and to eliminate the word “listing” from our vocabulary. I would like to elevate “having a listing” to “having a seller client” if and when possible, to remind us that we represent people who sell property. We are going to evenly weight representing a seller client and representing a buyer client, breaking from tradition here. An idea whose “time has come”, don’t ya think?

Most offices in the past had a big chalk or white board with three columns titled “Listing”, Listing Sold” and “Buyer Controlled Sale” or similar language. Given the changes in our industry since 1989, every company should change that system, to the one I recommend here. Every office should create a “Virtual Board” on an agent only, password-access website. The “board” should have four columns marked, Property for Sale, Property Needed, Property Sold and Property Found.

Column 1) A seller hires you to represent him in the sale of his property. You put “123 Peachykeen St.” on the board in the “Property For Sale” column. That is a “thing”.

Column 2) You meet a buyer at 123 Peachykeen St, but they don’t like it. You decide to help them find a property to buy, and they agree to hire you. You put “Mr. and Mrs. notPeachykeenSt” on the board in the “Property Needed” column. That is a “thing”.

Column 3) Joe Agent from another company faxes you an offer on 123 Peachykeen St and your seller client accepts that offer”. You put “123 Peachkeen St” on the board in the “Property Sold” column. That is a “thing”.

Column 4) Mr. and Mrs. “not PeachkeenSt” submit an offer on a property and that offer is accepted by the seller. You put “Mr. and Mrs. notPeachykeenSt – 123 SomewhereElse St” on the board under “Property Found”. That is “a thing”.

It is very important for agents to track “things” and not just sales. Columns 3 and 4 are sales. Columns 1 and 2 are the actions that create the sales. In a balanced or buyer’s market, every item in column 1 should produce 1 sale in column 3 and 2 sales in column 4. Given most of the Country is coming out of a hot seller’s market, it is a good time to review the basics, and go back to when property was on market long enough to produce 3 sales from every property for sale.

A new agent should have 12 “things” by year end. A second year agent should double their sales from the first year, and reduce the number of “things” in Column 1 and Column 2, that did not result in a sale. When an agent reaches 36 “sides”, by doubling their sales each year, they reach a crossroads, but that’s another article.

For now, the goal of every agent is to get to 24 to 36 sides per year. A side is representing the buyer OR the seller in a real estate transaction. The goal is to have 12 properties to sell each year, and sell them. From those 12 properties, you should be able to assist 24 buyers in finding a home to purchase. 36 “sides” equals 12 Properties Sold and 24 Properties Found. The number of sides between 12 and 36 is somewhat affected by the price range you are selling. If your average sale price is $200,000, then you will need more sides than someone whose average sale price is $600,000.

Now everyone get out your “boards” from last year. Examine Columns 1 and 2 very closely and be very honest in answering where you may have failed in assisting your buyer and seller clients in achieving their objective last year. Not what “they” did, but what “you” did not do for them.

Look at Colums 3 and 4 and examine what you did right in those scenarios. Contrary to popular belief this is NOT a “numbers game”. Every property you do not sell equals a failure for you seller client. Every person whom you did not find a property for, is a failure for your buyer client.

It’s is now time to do your 2007 Business Plan. Some of you will need to hone up on your skills, to get more of Column 1 down to Column 3, by converting more of your Properties for Sale to Properties Sold. Some of you will need to hone up on getting more of Column 2 down to Column 4, by honing up on your skills of finding the right properties for the right people. Others may need to make better choices with regard to columns 1 and 2, or reduce the costs of attaining them.

Focus on the clients and not just the numbers. Why couldn’t you sell 123 PeachykeenSt? What did YOU do wrong, not what did the seller do wrong. Why couldn’t you find a property for Mr. and Mrs. notPeachkeenSt? What did YOU do wrong, not what did they do TO you. If you think your clients failed…you will not be able to implement an effective business plan for 2007. Once you accept the responsibility for all of your business and non-business in the prior year, you will improve on your business and business plans in every year out into the future.

If you DID achieve the goal of 36 sides, but don’t feel you made enough money, then your problem is in either in the cost area and not the client area, OR you need to elevate your price range.

Questions? Feel free to ask away.

Strip clubs on the ballot

Land use initiatives aplenty this year in Seattle.

Strip clubs aren’t directly on the ballot, but this year Seattlites are voting on a proposed 4-foot rule (between dancers and patrons) and forced bright lighting (to keep the cockroaches off the floor during business?) to regulate all 4 of our fair city’s strip clubs. There are so few clubs because there has been a “temporary” moratorium on new clubs for nearly two decades now which is still being fought over in the courts (right?). It seems that Seattle is becoming the most socially conservative liberal city in America.

As this great Seattle Times article points out, Portland is at the other end of the spectrum, with over 13 times as many strip clubs per person as Seattle, yet it’s still a great place to live (although I can’t vouch for Voodoo Doughnut – they don’t hold a candle to TopPot Doughnuts).

How does this tie into real estate? For starters, strip clubs are primarily opposed by their residential neighbors. Also, strip clubs (or a de facto ban on strip clubs) reflect on and affect the character of Seattle (for better and for worse). And this is really a property-rights issue: can you do what you want with your land or should the effect of your use on your neighbors be considered? Whatever you believe, I hope you get out to vote or send in your ballot this year.

Zillow your life – it's quite interesting

I grew up at 4950 Lancaster Avenue My parents purchased it for $7,000 in 1957 or so. They made nothing on it and it is now the hole that you see between the buildings. But they raised seven children there. I lived there from age 3 to age 20 or so when my Dad died. I say it owes them nothing for housing nine people there for 17 years. The entire neighborhood that still exists, only values out at $15,000 max. That’s only a 50% return over a fifty year timeframe. Yes, there are “wrong” places to buy property! Always has been and always will be…ALL property does not go UP! (or down) in equal proportions.

In 1973 when my Dad died, my Mom moved to 6626 Haddington Street I remember her picking up the phone and leaving messages on the answering machines of every real estate office in town. She said I have $8,000. If you have a house to sell for $8,000, call me. According to Zillow, that house has now increased by 470%. My Mom was always a little smarter than my Dad…but my Dad was a cool dude 🙂 I don’t remember exactly what my Mom sold it for in 1980, but I do remember that she got at least double what she paid, had a non-taxable gain AND carried a portion of the price as a mortgage to the purchaser, with a double digit interest rate. That house owes her nothing either.

I moved out by the time she sold that house in 1980. In fact my Mom followed me to Northeast Philly. I rented. She bought a house for $18,000 on Fairdale now valued by Zillow at about $55,000. She sold it for $46,000 or so. It is now worth three times what she paid for it, but she took most of the equity out when she left. I bought this house in Kipling Place in 82 for $45,000 and sold in in 84 or $65,000. Zillow values it at $74,000 now, so looks like I pulled most of the equity out of that one. Me and my Mom seem to be doing pretty good pulling equity out and getting in and out at the right times.

Gotta go and I want to see if these Zillow links last. I’ll pick up in 1985 in another post.

Have a nice weekend!

[photopress:tgif_cover.jpg,thumb,alignright]T.G.I.T.F.D.O.T.M.!  Thank God It’s The First Day Of The Month! 

I’ve learned over the years to just say “you too!” when someone says “Have a nice weekend!”  I haven’t had “weekends” since I left the banking industry in 1989.  Today, the first day of the month, is the closest day I have to a “Friday”.

October closings went fairly well.  In fact one of my clients gave me a hand held GPS device as a closing gift yesterday. It’s a Dell Pocket PC with a Global Sat thingie sticking out of the top.  He loaded the King County maps via a Mapopolis program.  We tried it out last night after we received the call from escrow saying the property recorded, and went to the house for the “key exchange”.  Most exciting to me is that it has a setting for “avoid freeways” 🙂

On the first day of the month, I move yesterday’s closings to the “closed drawer”, I pull forward the closings for this month, and I re-organize, and say Thank God It’s the First Day of the Month!

So what did I decide to do with my day off?  Go to Broker’s Opens and try out my new handy-dandy GPS device!  When I wrote this post back in July, I had it all wrong.  I was just too darned busy at that time of year to think it through.  In the old days I had to map out where I was going from beginning to end before I started.  I had to get from here to the first house and then map out the route from house to house before stepping a foot out the door.  So I asked for a program that did that for me.  Correct answer is…I asked the wrong question! 

That is why it is SO important for agents to shake out their heads every November.  Dump everything out that you THOUGHT was the way to proceed in the coming year, and hold it up to the light.  Go back to the first transaction of the year and examine each one thoroughly.  Which clients were the happiest and why?  Where were the snags, and what can you implement into your procedures for the new year to prevent those snags?  Which did YOU enjoy most and why?  Which did YOU feel most uncomfortable with and why? 

This year took me all over the place, due to blogging.  From Queen Anne to Snohomish, from Judkins to Duvall, from Factoria to Juanita and Bellevue to Ballard.  Unlike the old days when we chose our “farm” and worked our back yard, technology takes you to places you wouldn’t have dreamed of going to.  So this year I’m ready with my new handy dandy GPS device!  But today, on my day off, I’m going out to Broker’s Opens in my own “territory”.  I want go out to see what didn’t sell.  I want to examine those properties that didn’t make the cut.  I want to see any vacant houses, that are not sold, that have been on market for way too long. 

Most of the year I have to focus only on those properties that my clients SHOULD buy.  On my day off, this 1st day of the month of November, before I get too busy again, I’m going out to pay attention to that part of the market that missed the boat, that didn’t sell, and discover why they did not.

Not everyone’s idea of how to spend their “day off”, but to make it a little more fun, I invited a tall dark and handsome young guy to go with me 🙂  Have great day!

November 1-15 is time to Brainstorm!

[photopress:images_1_2.jpg,thumb,alignright]By Thanksgiving, I try to have my next year’s business plan in place.

I find that using the first two weeks of November to brainstorm, and pretty much carve in stone a plan and strategy for implementation, I can begin “setting up” the new year.  Setting up includes adding new technology as needed, beginning the activities that will create business in the first quarter of the year, and getting rid of anything (or anybody) that didn’t work well in the current year. 

I learned that any agent who didn’t have the first quarter set up in the previous last quarter, was losing the first quarter along with the opportunity to grow adequately for the rest of the year.  Taking time from March to September to meet with vendors costs way too much money, as that is what we call “A” time to be spent with clients.  November and December is “C” time, meet with vendors, and “B” time, doing those things that will create the most “A” time come 1/1 through 9/30.  For me, “C” time pretty much shuts down on 1/2/07 and “B” time has to be set on an automated time release basis to keep feeding the “A” time through the season. 

My personal challenges this year include:

1) Finding the means to connect with the internet from anywhere and anytime.  Connecting means connecting to the forms available to write contracts, not just a blackberry thingie.  So I need my laptop to have it’s own, anywhere, internet connection.

2) I need to be able to print contracts AND make copies with signatures from anywhere.  So I guess that is some kind of portable printer that connects to the laptop.  Do I need a “notebook” vs. a laptop?  Do I need one of those huge cases with wheels to carry my technology around with me?  How do I print a contract and make copies of the signatures (scan and print?) from a vacant house, for example.  Is there a laptop that also prints all by itself without a separate printer AND makes hard copies of signed contracts?

3) I have enough to handle my photography needs.  I don’t want to advance beyond my current capabilities in that regard.  I’d rather hire a photographer when needed for advanced efforts.  So simply finding a photographer that meets my needs before 1/1 is my only chore here.

4) I found the perfect GPS device, but the person who has it, built it himself.  It was a GPS that connected in his car via an ipod and played music until it was time to do something.  The GPS interrupted the music and said “You will be making a left turn ahead at x street” and then the music resumed.  Best bet is to get that person to build one for me.

5) This is the first year that blogging will be part of my business plan.  I just had to wing it last year and see where it fit naturally, since I started the day before 1/2/06.  This year I have to place the blogging activities into the business plan, with both a sense of purpose and a timeframe. Since no one else seems to be getting as much business from blogging as I am, I think I’ll consult with myself on that one.

6) I’ve decided not to participate in lead generators.  Never have.  See no reason to start now.  So HouseValues can stop calling me for the $750.00 a month plan.  I have a different idea to target market, in areas I want to cultivate more business.  Paying for leads would cut into my ability to negotiate fees, so $750 x 12 or $9,000 gets added to my client kickback fund.

7) I can’t keep winging my fee negotiation strategy, so I’m going to implement a more transparent commission model for both buyers and sellers.  I am studying the fees I charged and didn’t charge this year to formulate the model.  I’ve run enough experiments with both buyers and sellers, including the unheard of negotiating the other agent’s fee :0 to make up my own innovative schedule.

8) I want to implement podcasts with my own voice (as opposed to the robotic Sellsius type podcast) beginning Jan 1.  I want to record and post tutorials to buyers, sellers and agents.  This way my blog readers can either read or listen or both and I can forward the podcast posts to clients and agents as needed throughout the selling season without the need to repeat myself for every new transaction or every newly hired agent.

9) Since I am a multiple site blogger, my needs are somewhat different from the needs of the average real estate agent blogger.  Setting a plan in place for consistency for all of my blogs is imperative.  Having them dovetail into one another is the goal.  But putting ALL of my eggs into the “blogbasket” is not good either, so I am setting up some hard and fast rules for blogging in 2007. This year I dropped other activities out of my schedule, like reading the King County Jornal every day, in order to fit blogging in.  But I don’t want to continue that through next year.  Doing my own stats consistently will be ultra important, as no one knows where this year is headed, and I don’t trust anyone’s opinion out there better than my own.  So I need to stay on top of the market, on a weekly basis, by doing my own stats and personally visiting the properties that are and are not selling.  By blogging on the topics I need to follow, I can kill two or more birds with one stone.  Multi-tasking is the key to blogging.  Blogging needs to be part of what I do, and not something i do in addition.  So far this year, that strategy has worked well.  In 2007, I need to time manage the blogging, so it stays focused.

10) Hiring and firing, less of the former and more of the latter 🙂  In 2007 the original plan, which was to have 12 agents who contribute $10,000 per to the company, is key.  I may up that to a $12,000 cap.  Agents need to be innovative in their client commission schedules.  Agents need to make more, while at the same time charging the consumer less.  The key is for all agents to have the ultimate authority to negotiate fees with their clients, and to pay their brokers less.  It’s the only way for consumers to win.  More of the commission needs to end up in the consumer’s pocket.  Less of the commission needs to end up in the broker’s pocket and none of the commission should be funneled into a lead generator’s pocket.  If we are heading into the market we all predict we are, or at least that I predict we are, lower commissions will be key to the success of both buyers and sellers in 2007.  If appreciation goes down by 1% or 2%, the consumer has to make that up somewhere to stay moving in an equal upward trend.  Businesses that plan for that change are the ones who will succeed for both themselves and for their clients.

I have two weeks to revise my list of ten as needed and then start ticking them off the list before 1/2/07.  If anyone has any info to help me with items #1 and #2 up there, I would much appreciate it.  The rest I pretty much have down already.

You can't tear them ALL down

[photopress:tdf.jpg,thumb,alignright]When we were talking about Popcorn Ceilings, Redmondjp asked, “if new houses two blocks away are selling for $1M, at what point does my 28-year-old rambler 2 mi from MS become a teardown? Somebody could buy my property,build a McMansion and put it on the market for $1M….[photopress:td.jpg,thumb,alignleft]

at what point do you decide just to keep the roof from leaking and nothing else? This would be an excellent topic for a separate post, and I’d be really interested in your thoughts on this. There are hundreds if not thousands of older houses just on the Eastside where this same issue comes to bear…”

Excellent question Redmondjp.  The simple answer is: When the price a buyer will pay for the house to live in it, is less than the price a builder will pay for the lot to build something new on it, it reaches “tear down” value.

Take the Redmond house shown here. It went on market in November of 2002 for $467,000 and sold in June of 2003 for $380,000.  Today it is on market for $650,000, Zillow values it at $820,652 and the tax assessor puts it at $557,000.  When it sells, we will know the rate of appreciation for land cost in Redmond :-).  If the cost of $380,000 represented the value of the lot back in June of 2003, the land will have appreciated at a rate of 18% consistently since that time, to be worth $650,000 today.

The question isn’t, how does the value of the house decrease to the same degree that the value of the lot increases, until the two meet and we tear them all down.  The question is, if all of the splits and ramblers reached lot value and builders did put them all “on the market for $1M”, at what point do you saturate the market with too many houses that cost $1M or more?  Contrary to poplular belief, not everyone who works for Microsoft can easily afford to run out and buy houses close to work if they all, all of a sudden, became new houses priced at over a million dollars.

From the minute I hit this crazy town, besides wondering why everyone was giving full price per square foot value to finished below grade basements,  I started tracking the high end.  This market is not going to fall because of the $390,000 ramblers or the $475,000 median priced homes.  This market is going to fall from the top down.  It is my premise, that the market will topple based on an oversupply of $1M+ premises.

As of last night”

1) There were 28 homes for sale in King County priced at $6M or more, NONE in escrow and only 10 sold in the last 12 months.  That equals a 2.8 year supply on market IF no others come on market in the next 2.8 years.

2) There were 49 homes priced at $3.5 to $6M, 7 in escrow and 34 sold in the last 12 months, a little over a one year supply.

3) $3M to $3.5M – 40 for sale, 2 in escrow, 27 sold in the last 12 months, a 1.38 year supply.

4) In the $1M to $2M and the $2M to $3M, over a year’s supply on market.

Hundreds and hundreds of homes on the market priced at over $1M.  At what point do we have more houses priced there than we have people to buy them?  And when do the builders stop building them?

Some people say, “Who cares what is happening at the top?  Why is ARDELL always running stats in the million plus range?”  Because lots of these properties are new or vacant, which means they MUST sell at a lower price some day.  And when you can get a $2M house for $1.5 and a $1M house for $900, the $900 houses drop because who is going to pay $900,000 for the house now that they can get a house that used to be $1.1 for $900?  No one.  The pressure will come from the top down, so stop talking about the bottom up crowd.  When you have a glut of homes priced at $1M and up, and the builders keep building them…something’s got to give and the effects will trickle down. 

Until then, I’m not going to “get my head out of the clouds”.  It’s the nosebleed section way up there that will determine where this market is utimately headed.   Ms. $1.4 who should have priced and sold her house for $1.1 a long time ago, may just pull up her for sale sign and decide to stay.  But the builders can’t run away from their finished products.  The vacant houses can’t cash flow by renting them out.  The high end has to move OUT or DOWN, and if down is the answer, the rest of the market will get pushed down by them and with them.