This home is in Snohomish and is probably familiar to a few who visit the area or live in the community.

Homes that seem made for Halloween
This home is in Snohomish and is probably familiar to a few who visit the area or live in the community.
Homes that seem made for Halloween
If you like any of the following then make time to visit Historic Snohomish this weekend during the Kla Ha Ya Days Festival:
Car Show - Photo by Brian Thompson Photography
Harvey Airfield
Tonight (Friday) offers a treat for family night at Harvey Airfield featuring “Balloon Glow-Fire in the Sky” event with live Bands and a fireworks show at 10pm. So, pull out the Harley Davidson from the garage and bike on over to Snohomish for the Kla Ha Ya Days (schedule) festival going on full throttle this weekend. It’s a great community and one that residents and future residents are sure to enjoy.
Saturday is the grand parade sponsored by my friend and fellow Seattle Pacific University Alum, Brad McDaniel of Snohomish’ McDaniel’s Do-It-Center.
Snohomish Valley Summer 09' - Courtesy
Tonight watch the Fire in the Sky Hot Air-Balloon event at Harvey Airfield and at 10pm you will be dazzled by a fireworks show.
Snohomish Skydivers July '09 - Courtesy