Swiss Real Estate Map Search Tool

I really like some of the search options available on Immobilien-Suche, a Swiss mapping site.

Granted, I speak no Swiss whatsoever, (Now we need a universal translator!), but this site is quite easy to figure out.

Swiss Real Estate Search

So here are some of the things I really like:

  • Sliders
  • Sliders for Price, Rooms, and Size
  • Sliders with Statistics for Price, Rooms, and Size

Sliders, sliders, sliders! They are so easy to use! I wish more real estate search sites had them!

Ajaxian and Gregor Rothfuss have some more highlights of the search tool including:

  • tighter integration between list view and map (just mousing over a list item to show it’s location)
  • histograms for the search terms to give you a quick idea what the spread in prices is, for instance
  • shows matches in context (public transport, shopping etc)
  • leverages the superior map quality from endoxon
  • allows you to take notes for each object
  • shows you new matches for your search since your last visit

Interview with Todd Carpenter of Lendorama

Lenderama LogoWhen I started blogging, Todd Carpenter of Lenderama was the first real estate blogger I got to know. Looking to spread the word about rain city guide, I signed up on his list of real estate and mortgage blogs, which led to some interesting conversations that moved from email to a message board after he opened up this interesting forum for all things mortgage related. He seems to quickly pick up on real estate and mortgage technology trends, making his blog a great read.

todd of lenderamaAs a Mortgage Technology Specialist in Colorado, Todd has been at the forefront of mortgage technology as both a user and a speaker for over a decade.

What inspired you to start blogging?

I read a book from Hugh Hewitt called Blog. I realised that I had no real interest to talk politics, but that a blog covering my industry would make me a bit of a Pioneer. The first time I Googled “Mortgage Blog” back in January, there were about 100,000 results. Now there are over 6,000,000

Are there any special topics or issues that you enjoy covering?

I like finding stories about other mortgage brokers in non-industry related situations. Like the broker who went to the Texas Hold um championships.

What have you done to personalize your blog?

I have a personal blog called the Pagan Capitalist. Otherwise, I keep Lenderama pretty much business focused. When I post about a story, I generally like to share my opinion of it, or possibly joke about it.

Do you have any favorite posts?

Not really

What are some of your favorite blogs (real estate or otherwise)? because it’s funny a local libertarian it makes you think because it’s funny AND it makes you think

What tools/websites do you find most helpful in putting together your blog?

Blogging and web publishing in general are a lot easier if you know some HTML. I learned everything I know about it at .

How does blogging fit into the overall marketing of your business?

Besides personal sales calls, Blogging is my only form of Marketing. By blogging to other mortgage professionals, instead of direct to consumers, I have gained some what of a reputation for being an industry expert.

What plans do you have to improve your blog over this next year?

What are you talking about? My blog is perfect! 🙂

What is the one tool or feature that you wish your site had?

A search engine that was specific to the real estate/mortgage industry . One that I could personally edit to keep only relevant links in the data base. Sort of like a searchable version of my Big List

What do you think real estate blogging will look like 3 years from now?

Bigger, much bigger. There’s no reason why EVERY agent shouldn’t be blogging. It’s simply an online version of the same “keep in touch your client” marketing plan that every Realtor is already using.

(Read more interviews with some of real estate’s top bloggers under the Real Estate Q&A category)

Reflections on Real Estate Interviews?

As I continue to post interviews with some of my favorite real estate bloggers, it is getting harder and harder to not plaster my opinion all over the posts… Maybe at some point, I’ll try to summarize some of the things that I’ve learned from the interviews, but for now, it seems best if I just let the interviewees speak for themselves!

After publishing this next interview in a few minutes, I’m going to take a little break from posting interviews until after Christmas.

ShackPrices Gets an Upgrade

It looks like ShackPrices just had their first major update.

ShackPrices is a Seattle-based outfit that focuses on helping sellers value (or “appraise”) their homes.

The new layout is clean and very straightforward. If you’re a King County resident curious to find out what homes in your area are selling for, then using their site will be a breeze. In addition, they have some nice goodies like a direct link from each home to King County Records (and bus stops!).

ShackPrices Screenshot

For what they are trying to do (provide information for home sellers), they do it really well… But it seems pretty obvious that ShackPrices will need to expand into helping home buyers at some point. The obvious missing ingredient is real-time MLS data.

With that in mind, I think the hardest part for them will be creating something that is not easily duplicable. Their interface is easy to use, but at it’s current state, a similar functionality is available to King County residents through Redfin. (and even more data is available without the mapping interface through Property Shark). In addition, Redfin is a few steps ahead in that they already have the infrastructure to display MLS data and to incorporate user/agent data.

Propsmart does some stuff right!

I really like some of the tools that Propsmart has just released!

They’ve added all the features that one would expect from a web2.0 real estate site (map-based searching and RSS feeds). Some of the great features I’ve found so far include:

  • Nationwide residential, commercial, land and apartments
  • Map-based searching over Google Maps
  • RSS feeds for each search
  • Exports to Google Earth
  • Comments on listings
  • Forums for general discussions

Overall, it is an impressive set of features and includes a fun, easy-to-use interface.

Propsmart Screenshot

The problem?
There were also some minor software bugs (like when I tried to export one of my searches to Google Earth, I ended up with a different set of listings), but I’m sure those will be worked out in the near future.

Their big problem is that they don’t have MLS data. I know this is by design (and even a central part of their manifesto), but without a more comprehensive database of information, I just can’t see this site getting much traction.

Let there be no doubt that they could get a small slice of a very big pie, but like Trulia, I just wouldn’t recommend people to the site unless they can get “all” the listings!

Interview with Alex Stenback of Behind the Mortgage

Alex StenbackAlex Stenback of Behind the Mortgage has a way of making real estate writing entertaining. While all of his articles convey good nuggets of information, he often throws in articles like Your Lawn is a Legume to keep you on your toes. Additionally, his linklubes are among the best in real estate.

When not blogging, Alex is a Mortgage Banker at Prime Mortgage in the Twin Cities area.

What inspired you to start blogging?

I’d been an avid blog reader, as much for the entertainment value as anything else, while at the same time, looking for a better way to communicate with my clients, prospective customers, and professional partners – canned newsletters have never been my thing, and really how timely is a quarterly, or even monthly newsletter anymore. One day it just sort of dawned on me – why not a real estate and mortgage blog.

Are there any special topics or issues that you enjoy covering?

Because most of the mortgage industry is such a sales-pitch, huckster-come-on oriented marketplace, I enjoy educating readers on how it really works and exposing some of the more tawdry tactics and operators in the business – I really try to respect the intelligence of my readers, who are generally the opposite of those that fall for the “lowest rates on the planet” type of advertising.

What have you done to personalize your blog?

After I’d established the blog, maybe eight to ten months in, I had some professional design work done, but for newer bloggers, I always recommend against getting too caught up in the design and appearance of the blog – focus on the content first, develop your style and a readership, then worry about looks – some of the most widely read blogs around run a very basic template to this day.

Do you have any favorite posts?

One of my early posts about African Weather and Mortgage Rates remains one of my favorites, along with the times we’ve broken news stories, which then got picked up by local media.

What are some of your favorite blogs (real estate or otherwise)?

Too many to list, but one of my all time favorites, and maybe my biggest influence was Hugh McLeod’s

What tools/websites do you find most helpful in putting together your blog?

RSS feeds, delicious, and google alerts.

How does blogging fit into the overall marketing of your business?

Readers who become clients accounted for 20% of my business this year, which is a number that stunned even me. Its been great PR as well – If done right a blog will get you more valuable PR (media mentions, interviews, expert status, search engine rankings, etc.) by accident than most PR firms could get you on purpose, and at a vanishingly small fraction of the cost of any paid web marketing effort. Also, some advice for those considering a blog – let sharing information, informing, and entertaining your readers be your focus. If you are blogging just for PR, Search engine rankings, and to have another advertising channel to pipe the same old canned real estate content onto the internet you are putting the cart before the horse, and the blog may very well fail – people’s radar for sincerity is highly tuned in the blog world.

What plans do you have to improve your blog over this next year?

We’ll be adding a couple of new features, a few of them still in development and top secret, but they will be complimentary to the blog, and dabble in other forms of media in one case – I am a big fan of keeping it simple, and good – there is such a thing as too feature rich – part of the reason blogs work so well is because they are very narrowly focused – many larger websites are sunk by their own ambitions to be all things to all visitors.

What do you think real estate blogging will look like 3 years from now?

The marketplace is starting to get very crowded, with major media (NYT, ahem) starting to catch on to the form. I think we’ll see more “superlocal” blogs emerge – call them real estate microblogs, where rather than focusing on major metropolitan areas, they track real estate happenings in very specific areas, neighborhoods, etc.

(Read more interviews with some of real estate’s top bloggers under the Real Estate Q&A category)

Republicans in Seattle?

Everyone knows that Seattle is a Democrat town… So when I threw my zip code into this handy google map hack that maps political contributions, I expected to see a lot of blue markers:

Conclusion: Despite what you may have thought, there ARE some Republicans in Seattle. 😉

And for those of you who are building innovative real estate search sites, you should definitely include political contribution information! It would be a fun way to test neighborhood compatibility!

Republicans in Seattle?

Rain City Guide in Russian?

I had a good laugh when I read over WorldLingo’s translation of Rain City Guide in Russian.

“Interview with John Mudd of Inside Real Estate” became “Interview with John Mudd Real Estate Guts.” There were a bunch of other funny issues with the translation, but that was my favorite.

Rain City Guide in Russian

I’m yet to find a good Russian-to-English translator (or even one that is usable). Anyone out there know of one that works?

Here are the one’s I’m aware of:

Google: We need you!

Interview with Fraser Beach of Toronto at Home

fraser beachFraser Beach’s Toronto at Home blog has been another major inspiration for Rain City Guide. The unique and clean layout of his blog personifies professionalism and his content is always interesting and well written. Unlike most of us, I’m under the impression that Fraser doesn’t have bad blogging days!

When not covering real estate issues, locally-based news and general real estate advice for home buyers and sellers, Fraser runs a successful full-service discount brokerage in Toronto.

What inspired you to start blogging?

I guess you could say that playing on the internet became my hobby in ’95. I was an early member of MetaFilter, the grandfather of weblogs, and when Blogger made it easy, I started my own blog.

Are there any special topics or issues that you enjoy covering?

I try to constantly answer the question “hows the market?”, because that’s what most people want to know.

What have you done to personalize your blog?

The blog it fully integrated with my website — so I guess it’s just me. I like the “minimalist” style of web design.

Do you have any favorite posts?

Hopefully, my current one.

What are some of your favorite blogs (real estate or otherwise)?

Grow-a-brain, Curbed, and of course Rain City Guide :-). My favourite (Canadians spell funny) site, bar-none, is

What tools/websites do you find most helpful in putting together your blog?

TypePad ( does it all. It can be totally customized and I really like playing with HTML and CSS.

How does blogging fit into the overall marketing of your business?

The website and blog + MLS, is our total marketing and communications effort — and I constantly have to decline business.

What plans do you have to improve your blog over this next year?

I just redesigned it last weekend, and will again when a new design concept strikes. Like Lexus – the constant pursuit of perfection 🙂

What is the one tool or feature that you wish your site had?

Thinking about podcasting.

What do you think real estate blogging will look like 3 years from now?

Probably there will be a lot of ghost-written, cookie-cutter services like there are now for websites.

(Read more interviews with some of real estate’s top bloggers under the Real Estate Q&A category)