Anything but stormy

As Tim’s last update let everyone know that his team was having fun through the storm, I thought I’d let everyone know that things are anything BUT stormy near my home in Southern Cal…

I live right off Las Virgines Rd, which is about five or six miles away down the road from the church and castle that burned down yesterday. However, the good news is that my family is far enough away to be out of any danger, the same of which cannot be said for many bloggers in the southern California area whose homes are clearly threatened…

[photopress:malibu_castle.jpg,thumb,alignright]On a side-note, I invited Scotty Brown to work out of Move’s offices today because the internet was down at his home and work in Malibu… Normally, Scotty is quite the dynamic individual but he simply wasn’t his usual self today… But who could blame him considering his $17M listing went up in flames.

Common myths & misconceptions of Escrow.

Please do not construe this as legal advice, it is not. The sampling below is general in nature and is referencing common escrow misconceptions we see in the course of conducting business.

Here are a few to get started.

1) Escrow firms produce and verify the validity of Legal Descriptions.

  • Incorrect. In a sale it is the Seller’s responsibility to correctly identify the property that is being sold. The Buyer should verify that the legal description matches the property that they intend to purchase.

2) Escrow firms are bound by Northwest Multiple Listing Rules.

  • No. Escrow is bound by the Escrow Agent Registration Act of Washington. Some managing real estate brokers erroneously believe otherwise. The Legislature also has determined that escrow officers are subject to the Consumer Protection Act.

3) Escrow firms never have conflicts of interest or problematic transactional issues.

  • Untrue. Escrow firms commonly run into potential conflicts of interest, and problematic issues. The idea is to reduce the exposure of potential conflicts and issues as much as possible via a variety of means. For example, escrow commonly discloses those problems to the principals in the transaction so they can consult appropriate professionals and give escrow additional instructions on how to proceed.

4) Independent Escrow firms are sued more often than attorney-owned escrow firms.

  • No. Ironically, Attorneys who own escrow firms have earned that privilege. (Source: Fred Phillips- Attorney, LPO Seminars).

5) Limited Practice Officers at escrow firms are tested & licensed by the Washington State Dept. of Licensing.

  • No. The LPO exam is administered by the Washington State Bar Association twice a year. The pass rate has been under 30 % for quite a while, but has recently improved. LPOs are regulated by the Washington State Bar Association and Washington State Supreme Court. Independent Escrow Companies are regulated by the Washington State Dept. of Financial Institutions.

6) Escrow staff work at all hours of the day and evening.

  • Traditionally, no. Most are open from 9-5pm. From a practical standpoint, ownership does work at all times (speaking only for our company). Escrow firms have banking hours for a reason. Escrow firms are closed when the there are Federal holidays and when the Federal Reserve is closed. The receipt of lender wires occurs up to specific times in a business day, typically until about 2 pm. This may depend upon the trust account banking policy the escrow firm has with its own bank.

7) Loan officers and real estate agents are principals in the escrow transaction.

  • Incorrect. The buyer(s) and seller(s) are the principals and escrow can only be instructed by these parties. Loan officers and agents cannot instruct escrow or influence the escrow transaction in any manner.
    • Example: a loan officer who calls escrow to request proceeds check mailed to their customer instead of being wired to the customer’s bank as the client previously instructed escrow in writing.
    • Example: a real estate agent/Broker instructing escrow to refund an earnest money check to a borrower (buyer) without a rescission agreement.

8) Escrow staff can produce, prepare and/or instruct their clients (buyer or seller) on drafting purchase & sale addenda for common things such as extending a closing date.

  • No. This is tantamount to practicing law and may be a conflict of interest. Only a licensed real estate agent, attorney or principal parties can draft addenda.

9) Loan documents are almost always perfect when submitted to escrow.

  • No. Loan documents frequently and frustratingly have errors, such as incorrect fees, incorrect name spellings, incorrect vesting, among other errors.
  • Loan documents take time to prepare after receiving them from the lender, particularly if docs are re-drawn several times. This is a reason many escrow firms refuse to set up signing appointments with clients (who sometimes have to take off work early or are inconvenienced in other ways) until the docs are at escrow, prepared and confirmed correct with the borrower, mortgage broker and real estate agent.

10) Escrow staff have no deadlines.

  • Emphatically incorrect. Escrow staff are looking at the clock all day long. In our State, disbursing funds cannot take place until confirmation that the documents have been recorded.
  • Escrow staff must get loan payoffs to Fed Ex or UPS on time. This is a prime reason our company is located just blocks away from the major UPS terminal for Snohomish Co. It allows just that much more flexibility in TIME. Time is precious in the escrow business.
  • There are many other time-sensitive tasks as well.

11) Once escrow has been opened and is progressing towards closing, Escrow cannot refuse to close a transaction.

  • Incorrect, and it does happen.

It's Stormy out there, but we are having fun!

OK, so it’s stormy and gloomy outside and there are blogger civility issues going on. The stock market gloomy today? Oh yea, that too. But,we are having fun! What are you doing around the office to keep things bright and morale high?

We’ll, someone had a birthday at our office and her Elvis memorabilia continues to grow at her desk and Pumpkin season is here! I love the Fall. My wife dislikes it and hates my favorite saying this time of year: “it’s great Soccer weather!”



The funny thing about this cardboard Elvis is that it has a sensor so that when someone walks by, Elvis talks! Elvis appears to also be light sensitive. When we turn off the lights after work, he said, “hi, good to talk to you.” Can’t wait till the night cleaning crew comes and turns on the lights. They will be in for a treat!

Washington State Loan Originator Licensing Update

2007 is a transition year for loan originators who work for a mortgage broker in Washington State.  These folks have received an interim license with a Dec 31, 2007 expiration date.  The license is conditioned upon LOs passing a competency exam, completing two continuing education courses (one of which must be an ethics course), paying the required annual fee, and completing their required renewal paperwork by Dec 31, 2007.

If loan originators complete their two required CE classes and pass the exam by Dec 31, 2007 but fail to renew with their state regulator, LOs will have 45 days to complete the renewal paperwork with DFI and will be assessed a 50% fine for completing the paperwork late.

[photopress:LOTest.jpg,thumb,alignright]If a loan originator does not complete the required two CE classes and pass the exam by Dec 31 2007, the LO must cease originating loans and transfer all files to his or her broker or another licensed loan originator.  The LO will have 45 days to pass the exam and complete the required CE classes while originating NO loans. After Feb 14, 2008, if the LO has not passed the exam and completed their CE, the interim license will expire and the LO will need to start the application process all over again from the beginning. After Feb 14, 2008, LOs must wait until their new license arrives from DFI before being able to do the job of, and earning fees from loan origination. There are no exceptions; not even one loan.

The consequences of not completing the continuing education and passing the competency exam by Dec 31, 2007 are not pleasant.  Read more about license renewal from the state rules.  (Scroll down to numbers 18 through 22.)

DFI is reporting (link opens pdf) 11,114 interim-licensed loan originators in Washington State with an additional 3956 applications pending for a total of 15,070 loan originators. So far, only an estimated 2000 loan originators have taken their competency exam. That leaves 13,070 who still must pass their exam by Dec 31, 2007 if they want to avoid paying the 50% penalty.

If we remove the 1833 LOs who originate Washington state loans from out of state, then we’re left with 11,664 originators who are physically located in WA State. Promissor, the vendor delivering the exam, shows seven exam sites located around Washington State. We have 46 test-taking days left in 07.  Theoretically, if 254 LOs took the exam every day (36+ LOs per test site) they could all make the deadline.  The real question, is: will they do it?   One of my students called me yesterday to report that she passed her exam, but that there were only 3 other LOs taking the exam along with her.

The pass rate is reportedly 89%.  To me, this means the test is too easy, so why the delay? Are LOs just behaving like stereotypical sales people and putting it off until the last minute? Are folks not concerned about the 50% penalty and they’re going to put it off until January and February? Are we in for some mass attrition?

Realtors: If you refer consumers to a loan originator who works for a mortgage broker, inquire about the status of the LO’s interim license. You don’t want your client’s loan file to be transferred to another originator mid-stream.

Does the NAR & the Big Brokers really want to fight The Blogosphere?

There have been a lot of discussions lately regarding Blogging, both it’s merits and potential for fallout on many levels. The problem with trying to keep Blogging under wraps: If you do, you have the potential for political backlash, both from the agents that build the brand of the broker (Re/Max, Windermere, Coldwell Banker, etc. ) and the Blogosphere itself, an enormous Goliath. Is it a battle anyone really wants to have?

Over at the Seattle PI Real Estate Professionals Blog, agent Sandy Kaduce remarked, “they will take away my blog from me when they pry it from my dead cold hands.” And, our friends howling down in the Sun in Phoenix take on the National Assn. of Realtors possible policy on curbing blogging for its membership.

But, what if an agent’s very own client blogs about their very own listing for sale and soliciting advice from the general public? For example, this case at Seattle Bubble from blogger “Econ101”. (a little more than halfway down in the comment fields)

I’m not certain anyone understands the possible repercussions of curbing blogging.

Update on 'Fix and Flip'

Last Thursday night at the monthly REIA meeting, Than Merrill from A&E’s Flip this House presented an informative glance into his working business model. Than does more than 120 flips a year at an average of $27,000 each.  Although he just started 3 years ago, Than is making millions using a system that he partially nabbed from other fix and flip coaches and partially created himself.  Than acknowledged up front that he would have something to sell, otherwise he says there would be no point in his flying out here from Conneticut to talk to a real estate investment club.  And sell he did.  What my husband and I heard prompted us to attend an all day (9 to later than 6!) on Sunday.  The cost was relatively inexpensive and anything for more education, right?

In case you’re wondering who attends a real estate investing club, I noticed a lot of people with jobs looking for a way to become self employed, and I also found many who had already made that transition using real estate investment as monthly income.  Others are there to build a retirement using real estate investing as a vehicle. Some using sefl-directed vehicles and others doing 1031’s to defer taxes. 

Finding the right investment opportunity is key to good real estate investing. The investments we have been buying are properties that can be subdivided or converted to condos or in some other way create equity through development.  I hate fix and flips because there have been such a small margin in them because we didn’t knowi how to find below market inventory consistently.  We only do the fix and flips if we can increase the value of an adjacent lot or new construction home we sell by increasing the value of the original home. 

However, working with distressed sellers to find below market inventory is a business that is very specialized and can by itself be a full time occupation.  And there are a lot of investment buyers looking to buy discounted properties.  Finding these discounted properties has always eluded me. We have tried the foreclosure route and bought on the court house steps, but too many investors were chasing these properties and they still got bid up, squeezing that profit margin.  Then there are title issues and the fact that you can’t really inspect the properties among other things, like needing cash!

Than has been successful finding these sellers and I wanted to know how. He has multiple sources and mutliple campaigns aimed at finding anyone willing to sell at a discount. His program is a highly developed marketing and operation.  We were impressed, So, we decided to invest in the systems thinking that if he can make them work, so can we (I know, pretty egotistical). The cost of the program is pretty reasonable, the bigger cost being the time to attend a one week boot camp and implement the multiple marketing systems. But we’re looking forward to it and hope soon to have a source of ‘cents on the dollar’ real estate to offer our buyers.  Keep tuned.

BTW, still nothing definitive on the Contractor’s issue, i.e., an owner needing a contractor’s license to perform work on real estate prior to a sale if within one year. We’re all waiting for clarification. 

Private Money Loan Recommendations?

I had someone email me an interesting question recently:

I had a quick question about private money loans. Have their been any posts on this? I tried searching “private money”, “hard money” but nothing came up. I’m looking into rehabbing a house and conventional lending isn’t going to work for me, so I was wondering if there are any recommendations or guidelines for obtaining private money?

The closest thing I can remember is a site called Prosper (I wrote a note about it) where people can loan other people money. However, I’m almost positive they are geared toward small loans like paying off credit card debt, so I don’t think it would help for home remodeling projects. Also, when I did a bit of searching, I see Brian Bradu covered the topic of private money loans a little while ago, but his angle didn’t include any guidelines or recommendations for finding a private loan.

Is this a common thing? Is there a good source of information for private loans? My gut says that most private money loans are probably among family/friends, but I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that there was an existing market for this kind of thing.

Top 12 Women Real Estate Bloggers 2007 Podcasts

[photopress:top_12_2007.jpg,thumb,alignright]Oliver Muoto from vFlyer Blog wasted no time contacting the women Sellisius recognized as the Top 12 Women Real Estate Bloggers for 2007.   The podcasts are in nice easy to digest “bite size”  pieces with great bits of information to chew on about real estate blogging.   Oliver also includes a summary of advice from the interviews.

Yours truly is included and I am honored beyond words.

To listen to the interviews, click here.

Are you really preapproved or are you just prequalifed for a mortgage? Part 2

A preapproval is the next step after becoming prequalifed.   Essentially, this means that you are supplying all of the documentation that is required to support your loan scenario.   Everything you have told the Loan Originator needs to be backed up for a “full doc

Inspiration is everywhere if you decide to let it touch you.

There is nothing better than an underdog. Meet Paul, a phone salesman from Wales. This will blow you away. (need sound for You Tube)

The gentleman below inspires me everyday I drive to work. He is disabled and uses a broom to help support him and keep himself from falling while on his way to Walgreens. The beauty of it is that he sweeps EVERY inch of sidewalk or street in his path. It probably takes him about 2 hours to walk the four blocks round trip and he is smiling every inch. Look close at the photo on left and you’ll see the up-swing of his broom.

When I feel like I’m not positively impacting the lives of 23 kids I coach in soccer or the stresses of work or family (extended or close ) gets us down, I look for ways to be inspired. It’s everywhere if you let it touch you.