I guarantee you’re going to get this mortgage, I think.

Why does the mortgage business seem so insane and unreliable? Well, there are a couple of reasons. One reason is there are a tremendous number of loan officers who came into the business during the boom of 2001 and have not had enough experience. A loan officer’s job is to make your loan work. When they look at a loan application, they examine all possible reasons that could be a problem. These are things like properties under construction, borrowers who are out of work, too much debt, not enough income, complex income situations, low credit scores, title problems, and much more. Loan officers with lots of experience have seen so many different situations with such complex problems, they know how to evaluate a new loan and spot potential problems. The next hurdle is with the underwriters. These folks work for the lenders and they review all of the information sent to them from the loan officer. They have guidelines and matrices which tell them what’s acceptable and what’s not. Underwriters will ask, or “condition

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I called a prospect whose name I purchased from a lead vendor. This is something we do regularly in the mortgage business. Rather than word of mouth, mailing, cold-calling, or some other marketing means, we can purchase the names, phone numbers, and other relevant information from a lead vendor. These leads come in various qualities and prices. You can get thousands of random names and phone numbers for pennies apiece or you can get interested, very specific parameter, live transfer calls directly to your phone for $150 or more each. Of course, there are leads for everywhere in between as well.

One of the most difficult factors in buying leads is the “exclusive

I guarantee you’re going to get this mortgage, I think.

donna's homeWhy does the mortgage business seem so insane and unreliable?

Well, there are a couple of reasons. One reason is there are a tremendous number of loan officers who have no experience but who are pretending they do. As loan officers, our job is to make your loan work. When we look at a loan application, we examine all possible reasons we can find that could be a problem. These are things like properties under construction, borrowers who are out of work, too much debt, not enough income, complex income situations, low credit scores, title problems, and much more. Loan officers with lots of experience have seen so many different situations with such complex problems they know how to evaluate a new loan and spot potential problems. Where we run into trouble is with the underwriters. These folks work for the lenders and they review all of the information sent to them from the loan officer. They have guidelines and matrices which tell them what’s acceptable and what’s not. Underwriters will ask, or what we call “condition